running with shiba

edited April 2009 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)
anyone have tips running with their shibas?
I have taken mine on a couple 2 mile runs, and he gets really ADD.
He'll run for a bit, then slow down to a quick walk while staring at people across the street or behind us, and I'll have to pull him along till he starts running and then it starts all over.
He is 8 months, I run slow, and the weather is around 50-60
Does he just need some conditioning?
anyway, here he is...I feel he is a little short compared to most shibas


  • edited November -1
    Any dog definitely needs conditioning before they are expected to run at any distance. Especially a double coated growing shiba inu in 60 degree weather!
    A friend of mine is conditioning her elkhound to run by lunging with it on a 30 ft lead (like one would with a horse).

    I've tried starting to jog with my female shiba, she'll be 2 in June, and still very much a puppy. She gets far to distracted after like half a block, looking to sniff, chase a leaf, greet people, etc.
  • edited November -1
    p.s. Whole Dog Journal just (maybe a month or so ago?) put out an article on conditioning your dog for jogging or bike riding. Check it out!
  • edited November -1
    I'm not 100% sure of this, so I'm more asking than giving advice....

    Isn't 8 months a little young to be running with a dog? Aren't the growth plates still not quite closed yet? The advice I've been given on agility and other high(er) impact exercise is to wait until 1 year minimum, but probably more like 1.5 years. I'd assume that applies to running too right?
  • edited November -1
    thanks for the advice,
    i was thinking 8 months may be too young,
    but he runs around the house and yard like a madman when he wants to play so I figured he was craving some good running time
    the hard part is how he gets so distracted by things, especially people even when they are across the street
    he is still young so hopefully that's it, or maybe it isn't in his nature to be a running buddy
    we'll just walk around for now, that's fun too
  • edited November -1
    What I've heard from the breeders that I've spoken to is that you should def. wait until the dog is a year old at least before doing any type of distance running. As to whether or not Shibas are good running dogs overall, I've heard some people say they're great and others say not so much so I guess its down to the individual pup.

    Just as a word of caution, make sure you train the dog as you would a human. My mother and I are both runners and growing up, we used to go out with our Aussie Shepard mix for runs 3-4x per week. Unfortunatly we didn't ease her into it as much as we should have and also probably started running her too early (maybe around 9-10months) and she ended up having leg issues later on in life. She's still a healthy dog (for a 13 yr old!) but we had to completely put a stop to running with her when she was 7ish due to the issues she had.
  • edited November -1
    thats good to know.... I want my dog to come on outings with us but it looks like we will def be waiting several more months. starry, love the picture too by the way... very handsome shiba!
  • edited November -1
    8 months is too young? That's really good to know; I was about to start taking my youngest shiba running with me (the older one is WAY too ADHD!), but I guess I'll have to wait a while longer!
  • edited November -1
    Frost is now 14 months. I always run with him at a slow pace for 100 meters, then walk, let him leaves etc. Do another small trot. and then walk. I generally do a 30 minutue morning routine. He seems to enjoy it and then atleast I am sure when I put him in crate for the day, he has enough exercise and will nap nicely. I think a small run/jog at a slow speed does not hurt. I have also found that, at that speed they are less distracted by other things.
  • edited November -1
    You're probably running on sidewalk, right? I would be concerned about running on such a hard surface at a young age. Running around the yard and playing on grass are natural for the pups, so I think they self-regulate with how much exercise they can handle.

    Also, I've found it easier to do things like running (not that I've run very often - I'm a horrible runner) and other fast things with dogs (scooters, bikes, rollerblades) that having them pulling ahead in a harness is easier than getting them to go beside me with a collar. It puts their pulling to good use, and they have to keep up a reasonable pace, because if they stop, I'll bump into them (gently, just enough to remind them that we have to get a move on). Running with a harnessed dog attached to your waist is called cani-cross. It's convenient because your hands are free, you aren't shaking the leash around as your arms move, and there's no worry about dropping it.

    btw - 2 miles of running? Holy freaking crap... I just joined the rugby team and even just running laps around the field nearly kills me. Running two miles would do me in for sure. Like I said, I'm a horrible runner.
  • edited November -1
    I'm a runner and thought I should take my male Shiba with me on my runs. He has stage 1 luxating patella but the vet said to try it because his knee was in good shape and he would try to start running when we took our walks every day. I ran with him for a few months and then he had a knee episode. Now he is on glucosamine and no more running, only long walks.
  • edited November -1
    When Yuri was younger I used to take her on my runs. She definitely need a lot of work before she got up to two miles. Now she can out run me.
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