Inside our outside

edited April 2009 in Shikoku Ken (四国犬)
What about your Shikokus preferences? Do they like to be in the house or outside in the garden more? Our Kekko is still so small, but spends most of the day outside with my huskies. At night I still take him inside, kind of feels like its too cold...heh maybe its just me worrying too much. We have now about 5 degrees at nights. I'm sure grown up Shikokus can stand more cold, but how much more? Guess they don't sleep in the snow like huskies do :)


  • edited November -1
    I would say judge by what Kekko wants. My Kuma likes to be outside a lot too, but only in certain weather. If it is very cold and windy, he asks to come in (he bangs the storm door with his front paws). If it is too hot, he also asks to come in. They are double coated like Siberians, so they should be pretty good in the cold. But that being said, I found that my Shikoku was a little bit less liking of extreme cold weather in comparison to all the Siberians I have owned. FWIW, here in Pennsylvania, USA, in the winter, we had temperatures around 0 F and he was fine outside (but he was only staying outside for about 2 h at a time when I was outside doing stuff).

    On another note, since Kekko is a puppy, you might want to keep him in a bit more with you, so that he will bond with you. My Kuma has no other dogs at home right now and he liked to be my shadow especially as a young puppy.
  • edited April 2009
    Our girls love to be outside and are outside 75% of the time. We leave the back door open so they can come in if they like, but they usually don't.

    The only thing that brings our Shikoku inside is high winds, rain, and nighttime. They tend to not like to be outside in late night. Since we crate them inside at night, this could be more due to routine than their preference of day vs. night.

    ETA: I should add that our Shikoku LOVE the snow and will rub in it, but they do not just sleep in it the way our Akita and Caucasian Ovcharka do. In the snow our Shikoku and Kai are very busy and stay active, but when they want to rest they come inside.

    also, we are in Northern New Mexico, in a high desert mountain climate. So winters are in the 20 - 30 during the day and night drop to below 0. Summer it gets to 85 or so and then drops to 50 or so at night.

  • edited November -1
    When we had cold snaps this past winter, there were times when it was -30C with biting wind and Rakka would stay outside for hours like it was nothing. The other pups would refuse to leave the front step sometimes,
    I would like to make a secure outdoor place for my pups to sleep with insulated doghouses and the like. They seem to like being out on the porch at night so I'm thinking of enclosing it.
  • edited November -1
    My Shikoku probably spend an equal amount of time inside and outside. They like being outside and for some reason prefer to sleep in dirt when napping, rather then in their dog igloo. They don't like the weather so much when it rains or is too windy. One night I fell asleep and left the Shikoku outside and it rained. I think Shoushuu was actually using the dog igloo and I found Kotomi standing on top of the wagon, lol. She really didn't want to get wet.

    Both Shoushuu and Kotomi prefer to be inside the house though. They only really like to be outside if I'm out there with them. Whenever I am, is where they want to be. Lynx is the same way too actually. I am one person and yet I have 3 shadows, lol.
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