

  • edited November -1
    Yeah that's why, though its silly since you can barely see them unless they are gauged or have dangly earings. Idk how inventory would matter, I've done inventory work and ....well i doubt earrings could do anything, silly rules.

    I know! I am so excited! :D He's so cute. I will deeeeefffinately let the puppy know yapping is unacceptable early. : )
  • edited November -1
    None of my employers have ever known about my tongue being pierced lmao.
  • edited November -1
    He's cute.

    I think you should name him something strong, cute but non-mischeivous. He already looks like a bundle of trouble the little rascal -smiles-.
  • edited November -1
    Yeah he does, he's supposed to be the most playful and well socialized of all of them. I am expecting some serious fun times dealing with mischief. I mean how can he not take advantage of his cute fluffy face?

    hm....here's some more names:

    cortez, dart, onyx, freckle (theres a little white spot near his eye), rascal (lol), speckle, and urchin.
    orichi, fenrir, anubis, Raiju, Argos, and imo.


    i really like the name clover but i think that might be too girly

    could call him tar-baby. lolool(jk)
  • edited November -1
    Congrats. :-) I had a long haired chihuahua in high school. He did bark, but it actually wasn't as high pitched as you'd expect... but it could be irritating when we'd go on walks. the other thing about chihuahua's is they are sooo difficult to potty train, it took a very long time for our dog to stop having accidents and I heard this from other chihuahua owners as well so I would say to be very firm, patient and persistent. Also, since the long hair, the poo would get stuck in the back end LOL so I also suggest frequent trimmings of the hair back there! i like the name cortez.
  • edited November -1
    He is so freaking cute. I normally dodn't like the little foofy dogs, but poms are just so damn adorable. I'll throw my two cents in with a name, how about Unchi? It's kind of like urchin. That was one of the names I wanted for Katsu, but my wife didn't like what it meant in japanese. I think it means "little shit". Or what about Daisuke, if we got a boy that was one of the names we were playing with.
  • edited November -1
    I like the names Onyx or Cerberus. Congrats on your little guy, he's very cute.
  • edited November -1
    I like unchi, just not what it means :P Thanks though. I really wanted to name him after a pokemon :P but none of the dog ones are named cool. and onix is a pokemon. though onyx is the stone. : ) obsidian is also black but that's kinda harder to use. He kinda looks like ink : )
  • edited November -1
    You could name him Sumi, like Sumi Ink? :)
  • edited November -1
    I call my mom's pom Fizzgig (from the Dark Crystal) when he's naughty, and occasionally Sir Didymus (from the Labrynth) when he's good. Both apt monikers for such a fiesty little dog.
  • edited November -1
    man i wish stuff'd render faster.

    haha that's so cute.
    I've actually almost decided on a name: Gizmo :D
    I think its' cute. Idk if it'll fit yet tho.
    heres more pix :

    he's the one on the left, with the personality :D

  • edited November -1
    Aww! look at that face Gizmo is a nice name for the little guy I'm sure once you get him you'll know what's his name is. =)

    Thanks for posting more pictures.
  • edited November -1
    Mr. Gizmo! Me likes -smiles-. You could call him "Giz" for short.
  • edited November -1
    : ) ONLY 3 hours 'til i see him!! :D

    Spam and owed art to follow <3 :D
    (he's in Augusta so it'll be around 5-6 EST before i get back)

    :D :D :D :D :D
  • edited November -1
    sweet, I can't wait to see more pics of the little guy!
  • edited November -1
    Call him "Fierce"...because you know he'll be it as soon as he gets older.

  • edited November -1
    Exciting and special day for you and Gizmo both! Congratulations and be sure to spam it up with your new bundle of joy!
  • edited November -1
    : D we named him bandit and i just made a spam page!
  • edited November -1
    Bandit is a cute name. =)
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