my puppy has started peeing everywhere!

My nearly 7 mo old shiba, Kitsu, has recently started peeing everywhere. A few weeks ago she peed on my bed (thats where she sleeps regardless of differences of opinion on this matter), then yesterday she peed on her blanket thats on the sofa, and today she peed in the entryway to the apartment.

i caught her in the act on the bed and told her no in a FIRM voice and immediately took her outside, and on the sofa I picked her up so she'd stop and told her no and took her outside. I did not see when she wet by the door so I didn't do anything but clean it up

I am at school 8 hours a day so she goes to puppy day care at a great place (complete with web cams so I can keep an eye on her all day) and gets plenty of attention, exercise and time with other pups. I have only noticed this behavior on the days when I am home all day with her and the daycare has not said anything about her having accidents. When at home I usually take her to the dog park and for several walks, the longest she usually goes without going out is about 2-3 hours.

now that all the background info is there...does anybody have any tips or possible explanations for this behavior? I've heard Shibas can go through a real bratty rebellious stage from about 7-9 months...has anybody else experienced this?

thanks for any advice :)


  • edited November -1
    Check with your vet first to rule out a medical cause, such as a UTI. You may have to begin re-house training her if she is spending a good deal of time away from home and being allowed to pee wherever she wants. Sometimes pups will backslide a little in their teenage months so reinforcing the training with leashing her to you indoors and getting out that old ex-pen may be needed. Let us know what you find out.
  • edited November -1
    i think the doggie day care could affect her mentality. the ones that i know about allow their dogs to go anywhere at anytime so that could be one problem.
  • edited November -1
    If that doggie daycare is an all indoor facility and does not allow dogs outside access at all, your dog may have lost touch with her potty training. I took my dog to a doggie daycare for the day once and he peed on their linoleum floor during the duration of his stay (along with the 12 other dogs that were there). No biggie to the daycare because they have staff that monitor the dogs constantly and immediately clean after. However, a few days after he was home, he peed right on top of his bed on the couch in front of us. So we had to renew his training (via clicker) and reinforce his steady regimen. He was about 6 months old.

    Hope it helps,
  • edited November -1
    Definitely get the vet to rule out a UTI (was she recently spayed?), and since she's in daycare and might be allowed to go wherever whenever I'd resort to treating her like a young pup again in your home, taking her out several times and rewarding an outdoor pee.

    You are definitely in that time frame for teenage rebellion in your pup! Keep (positively) reinforcing her boundaries!
    And I don't think her being allowed on the furniture has anything to do with it, mine are allowed on everything but the kitchen table and they are fully housebroken.

    Let us know how it turns out!
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