how long does it take for color?

edited May 2009 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)
I was just wondering how long does it usually take for a Shiba too develop its mask and adult color?


  • edited November -1
    It depends... Some pups grow out of their dark mask by 12 weeks of age, some it takes over a year. And, believe it or not, some never grow out of their dark masks.

    As for their fur, usually by the end of the first FULL moulting, their fur colour will be mostly developed. This usually happens between 7 and 12 months, I think.
  • edited November -1
    Oh ok, what about for the black and tan color, do younger puppies say around 8 months still not necessarily have their tan coming in yet? Reason I ask, I saw a 8mo up for adoption and it looks very black overal. I was just wondering if that is normal or if that is how they will look as an adult? thanks.
  • edited November -1
    Tetsu, at around 6 months started getting white and cream roots under his black hairs. He has enough black to cover it, accept the sides of his neck can get pretty peachy during a shed, I've noticed.

    He always had his tan coloring along the muzzle and edges of white, it never really changed in color or shade either. I've seen a few b/t shibas that had just enough tan to "burn" the edges of the whites. I feel that with the b/t color, they can have the most variety in patterning compared to the other coat colors.
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