Walking after Rain

edited May 2009 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)
My Takumi hates walking after rain when the ground is still wet. He's been like this since he was a puppy. It's been raining here in Miami since last night. I tried to take him outside when the rain stopped and managed to make him pee, but he hasn't pooped for 24hrs now! He shakes himself off as soon as we get in the house, as if he had been walking in the rain, which is not true!!
Is this only my dog?


  • edited November -1
    Our Dachshund Belle is the exact same way... we can usually lure her onto the grass with a treat and then she'll do her thing. I have a house full of picky poopers, it's kind of ridiculous...
  • edited May 2009
    Thanks, Kaddy!
    I used a ball to lure him out and it worked. It was a simple thing. Thanks!
    We just came back from long walk. There are lots of fallen palm leaf and coconuts after storm here in Florida, which are his favorite street toys. He had a lot of fun.
  • edited November -1
    Yeah, Shibas can be very fastidious. Triton refuses to walk through puddles and hates going outside to pee in the rain.
  • edited November -1
    When we lived in the city, Tojo would squeal if you made him go too close to a puddle. Of course, now that we're in the country, he goes into the slimy, muddy pond all the time and goes home smelling like swamp all the time.
  • edited November -1
    Yea --- it's not just about Shiba's and the "after-rain" doubts. Josephine (2 + year old Kai Ken) is the same way, but then take her to the dog park and she is wading around in the smelly old swamps... Go figure! We always thought it was because she was lost in the desert for awhile before we found her and that maybe she was just used to the arrid climate. Anyway, she does not like wet grass, but then if properly encouraged seems to forget about it and thoroughly enjoy herself as usual!
  • edited November -1
    I must say that my Shiba is not normal at all. LOL. It was monsooning the other night, thunder, lightening and craziness. Well thats when my little Yoshi decided that he had to go out. So I take him out and all he does is stand there with his face up to the sky to feel the rain. He didnt have to go or anything. We were soaked. He loves the water. I put his face in the shower once and he loved it. He didnt scream when I gave him a bath and sometime after I wash my hands I shake my hands at him and he loves to feel the water on him. He's nuts lol.
  • edited November -1
    I picuted your dog in the rain and thought how brave he was...... He is really a MAN. ( your dog is a male, isn't he?)
    I will try the same to my Takumi next time.
  • edited November -1
    Yea hes a crazy man lol. He is deathly afraid of plastic bags and plastic panda dolls so hes not all that brave lol
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