Weird noise from front paw/wrist.

Every once in a while when Katsu gets up we hear this sound like someone cracking their knuckles. At first I started freaking out and thought it might be her hips, but we noticed it coming more from the front. We did a little exam and found that sometimes when she bends her left wrist, there's a little click/pop. You can't always hear it but you can feel it. Anyone else have this in their dogs? Any suggestions? It doesn't bother her in the least and seems to have no affect on her mobility.


  • edited November -1
    If it's not affecting mobility or causing her pain, I would attribute it to something like a slightly loose joint that happens to make a lot of noise. Sometimes people are concerned when I walk up/down stairs because my ankles go crazy with clicks, but I actually have fine ankles that work great. I bet if you do have your vet look at Katsu, he or she would tell you not to worry about it until or unless it starts giving her problems.
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