Treat-dispensing Giggling Ball

edited June 2009 in Products & DIY
If you have a Shiba that has a never-ending source of energy, I recommend these treat-dispensing balls!

There are times when I have played numerous games of fetch, worked on training, wrestled with tug and Ryu just won't tire out! When I have finally had enough (and need to get some actual work done!), I simply fill his treat ball with some healthy treats (sometimes, even kibble!) and let him go to town. It took him a few tries to become interested in it (when we were given it as a "I hope you feel better after your botched neuter job" gift, he had no desire to play with it...for obvious reasons lol) but now he absolutely adores it. It doesn't hurt that he has a little sister than will just sit by and wait for the treats to fall out and then pounce for them. It keeps him on his toes and gives me a break from the constant tennis ball-throwing games.

I haven't seen it stores but here is a link I found online:

And a video of Ryu playing with his ball:


  • edited November -1
    Oh My!!!! That looks like a WONDERFUL toy!!!
  • edited November -1
    looks awesome, but
    does it really giggle? i can't hear it on the video, if so, is it an annoying giggle and how often?
  • edited June 2009
    That's AWESOME! I bet the Shikoku would got nuts over that. Lynx would probably just chew up the toy though -frowns-.


    It's doesn't "giggle" "jingles" from all the kibble/treats inside -smiles- <--- that's what it sounded like in the video.

    *** -checks out link- Oh, yeah...<b>I DID buy one of the "non-treat dispensing" ball for Lynx. And she DESTROYED it (took her awhile though)! lol. I can't describe the makes a kind of "quacking" sound.***
  • edited November -1
    I need to buy two of these! Miso loves a good puzzle.
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    Corina got it right - it has a weird quack sound. It doesn't really make noises unless you really knock it around hard. We hardly hear it "giggle" unless I pick it up and shake it LOL

    If you want a toy that makes noises, I LOVE the Dogtronics toys. We have a treat-dispensing "egg" that looks like a kong. It makes some crazy noises which continue a few seconds after you play with it. It's kinda freaky. The dogs love it. They sell them at Wal-mart and I embarrass Tim by setting all of them off at one time. :P
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    One other funny fact - In the treat dispensing ball, there is an adjustable opening so you can vary the size of treats you put inside. Ryu has figured out how to open the hole to its widest setting, insert his jaw and then clamp down so he can carry it anywhere he wants. I'll have to get a video of him carrying it around. I can't tell you how many times I've found that darn ball shoved under my pillow in our bedroom. LOL
  • edited November -1
    I bought a similar type of toy for Mylo. I can't tell from the video, does yours have more than one opening for the treats to fall out? Mine has "dimples" in it, but only one of them has the hole for the treats (or kibble I usually put in) to fall out. I don't think Mylo has quite figured out the whole "play to get treats" concept... he rolls it around a little bit, and then gets bored and tries to shove his snout in the hole. lol
  • edited November -1
    Mylo - We have the same one, I think. Bright orange w/ dimples, yes? It took Ichiro a while to figure ot out but now it is his FAV toy ever. Much like Ryu and Roxie, Ichiro does all the hard work rolling it around and our new little puppy Akira (who has not yet mastered the "cookie ball") sneaks in and grabs anything that falls out within her reach. :)
  • edited November -1
    That's the one! I think Mylo just gets lazy because the treats don't fall out often enough for him to catch on. What do you put in yours, Jenn?
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    Yep! That's the same one! It has dimples all over but only one opening. When I tried to get Ryu to catch on, I left the opening really wide and put stinky yummy treats inside. Once that saw that they were easily falling out, he became VERY interested. LOL Then I just gradually closed the opening smaller and smaller. :)
  • edited November -1
    Mine doesn't have an adjustable opening. You must have a fancy version lol. Then again, mine also doesn't have any sound effects. So you MUST have a fancy version.
  • edited November -1
    Mylo - we just put little Charlie Bear cookies in it, mostly. (They fit really well!) Sometime we put some random stinky treat or two mined up in there, like a bonus salmon prize among the cookies. When we do the random treat, they cookie ball is much more 'entertaining'. That rattling alone is sound enough to get Ichiro very interested. Ours is also the non-adjustable version.

    On a side note, Ichiro knows what to do (and stop doing) when I say - roll it, don't gnaw on it! Like he's going to make another hole in that thing, sheesh! My husband thinks it's funny that he understands the phrase, or at least the intent behind the phrase.
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