edited June 2009 in General
Dexter is almost five months old...and he still has waaay too many "accidents"
Every other dog i have owned ive taught to go to the door and bark, but Dexter doesnt bark (except when he screams at his stepsister elliot, lol).
He either:
A - runs to the door and immediately pees if your not there to let him out


B - acts like nothing is out of the ordinary, walkes three feet and pees (right in front of me not slinking away or anything) running out of ideas and everything i have tried doesnt seem to be there any tricks you guys can give me? please?

thanks ^.^


  • edited November -1
    If he is having a growth spurt, he is more likely to have an accident. And having growth spurts around that age seems about right. They have a huge growth spurt around 5-6 months and 8-9 months.
    Other solutions? One thing i've found useful is having a bell on the door, and my Shiba will ring the bell when he wants outside. But, you do have to train the dog to use it, sometimes they don't get it or can even be afraid of it.
  • edited November -1
    I don't know if you tried this, but...

    Establish a routine, take him outside to pee every 45 minutes or so. Adding to that, take him out after he plays, after he wakes up from a nap and after he eats.
    Careful with taking him out after he eats, make sure it's just to pee or poop, no running around. Of course, after he pees out side, praise him like there's no tomorrow and treat him, make him feel like he's the best dog in the Universe.
  • edited November -1
    Yeaah, I made that mistake when Toby was a pup. He'd play with the cat for a good 20 minutes and then just walk around and pee in the house. My parents weren't very happy about that. ;)
  • edited November -1
    yeah my renters are thrilled but they are taking it in stride (them raising a puppy at the same time dulls the anger) lol
  • edited November -1
    When im home, I try to keep the same routine with him, and he usually doesnt piddle around me, but during the day when im at work, my mother in law watches him, and since she has three dogs she is caring for, she just lets them all out whenever at the same i think he might be getting confused that while he is outside he MUST pee.
    I have seen it before where he is outside for fifteen minutes and as soon as he comes in he pees...*rolls eyes*
  • edited November -1
    What are you using to clean up the pee he has done inside? Maybe he's still smelling remnants of it?

  • edited November -1
    a mixture of urine be gone/bleach/ and fabreeze (or however you spell it)
  • edited November -1
    Does he have free access to water?
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