Kishu Inus



  • edited January 2008

    JessicaRabbit say: "But I have to say, I am now in LOVE with the Ryukyu ken! What amazing markings!!"

    In books about Ryukyu Ken, they said it's hard caracter. Not agressive with other dog but  between 2 male, it's hard.

    I've got some photos with japanese people with Ryukyu ken in town. Good for company? I hope so, but breeders in japan use them to gard principaly.




  • edited November -1
    ok.... im in love with the ryukyu!!!!!!! but now i have to take care of Kiba :D..... we'll see in a future :)
  • edited November -1
    I love those Kawakami - very pretty.
  • edited November -1
    LJ, you and I have the same taste. What a little cutie.
  • edited November -1
    The Karafuto definitely got my attention. Are there any outside of Japan?
    This is a really cool thread. So much info and pics on the very rare Japanese breeds.
  • edited November -1
    I'm with Glacier - the Karafuto is awesome!
  • I am surprised to see that pictures and bits of info I had initially shared on Emilie's forum are used by "Ktrebor" (Robert) as if they are his own. Courtesy would have imposed to cite the real sources.
    "My" photos of Karafuto, Ryukyu, Kawakami and Koshi no Inu are from the Japanese web, the info mostly comes from Japanese friends/contacts.
  • Are they photos you personally took or photos that are available on line? Sorry for asking but I can find most of those photos in some of my old Japanese dog books and those photos of the Karafuto ken is from the Movie "Nankyoku monogatari" (great movie by the way).

    Its one of those things that if its available on the net for the public, your gonna get people who bite off of it. It sucks but it is what it is...
  • As I said previously the photos were available online but the bits of info came from Japanese friends/contacts.
    Note the pictures of the "Nankyoku monogatari" dogs were posted by another member of Emilie's forum. I was told by a French friend who have seen them in the flesh in Hokkaido that they were not Karafuto Kens. Anyway the movie is excellent.
  • The dogs used in the movie were a kawakami, a Alaskan malamute, a Greenland dog, mixed breeds, an akita, and one Sakhalin husky mix
  • The Karafuto definitely got my attention. Are there any outside of Japan?
    This is a really cool thread. So much info and pics on the very rare Japanese breeds.
    No they are extinct in Japan, they only remain in Russia and only the short haired dogs still exist. It is very sad here's a video
  • @tarokun , I hope you know you're responding to posts that are over 2 years old...
  • wow... old thread! lol
  • edited October 2013

    Honestly, I can't say Kishu interest me that much.

    I laughed. :)
  • edited October 2013
    LoL @Crispy, I had to laugh too.

    @brada1878, I think you are the first person in the US who has the honor of living with ALL 6 NK? lol, that is quite an honor.
  • I laughed at this:
    no... no Kishu for me.... maybe a Hokkaido one day (years from now).
  • Can I laugh at all of those? Because I did.

    Ps - @brada1878 - Brian and I still adore Kishin.

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    - Next Spring -

    Brad: "Guess what? Jen and I are adding a Kishu to the pack!"


    lol. Then you will just need a Hokkaido Inu and a Kawakami Inu to complete your collection! -grins-

    Okay I know this is old, but he also would need a ryukyu and Sakhalin husky.
  • @tarokun when we refer to nk here it is commonly in regards to ja, shiba, kai, hokka, kishu, and shikoku.
  • I love these old threads because they always call me out. lol

    For the record, when I said I wasn't interested in a Kishu, I had not met any of the hunting line Kishu I got to meet in Japan, so that is what changed my mind.
  • Seeing as this is still a thread about Kishu; what colours do they come in and what are the 'acceptable' colours for show (if any) ?
  • @poltergeist - not to be mean, but the same rules apply to the Nihon Ken forum as they do to the shiba forum. The origins/standard and the colors of kishu ken have been discussed in other threads and are easy to find if you click on categories in the menu to your right. This forum is a lot less unwieldy than the shiba forum so it should be much easier to find all the info that you seek.

  • Not rude at all! Thanks!
    You can all go back to making fun of Brad!
  • edited February 2015
    Since the thread was bumped, I'll add:

    FCI accepts white, sesame, and red. In the US, I think the AKC FSS accepts all the FCI colors (but "sesame" is "red sesame" in the AKC).

    In NIPPO, I think they can be shown in all solid colors except brindle (and maybe black and tan? I dunno). Solid colors are all colors without pinto markings.

    You'll see Kishu in all the same/similar colors as the other breeds: black sesame, red sesame, sesame, red, black and tan, brindle, and white.
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