The Shikoku didn't enjoy the water, they like the smaller streams (and welcome them when they are hot), but not the rushing deeper streams. You can see Jen was kinda having to drag them - it was very slippery too.
Kona seems to really like water, he had a hard time in that stream w/ his pack (8 extra pounds of weight), but he would just sit in the other ones and enjoy the cool water.
Our Akita are the ones who hate water - it would have been hell to try and get them across those streams. LOL
I only knew it was him because Kristin mentioned that it was a great 'family' portrait. lol Brad's always the sneaky one behind the camera. I was starting to wonder if he was even real hahahaha. jk.
Ahi is what a small-medium size male Shikoku should be as far as height goes. I think Tenji is a bit taller than Ahi, but Ahi was about the same as Ronan and Kei.
LOL Kristin- I like your Ahi caption. The look on her face is the exact look Mookie has right before he is about to jump and attack you for a crazy play session. When he has that look, we know we have to be on guard.
The dogs look like they are good buddies!
The last pic is a great one of 5/14ths of your clan!
Kona seems to really like water, he had a hard time in that stream w/ his pack (8 extra pounds of weight), but he would just sit in the other ones and enjoy the cool water.
Our Akita are the ones who hate water - it would have been hell to try and get them across those streams. LOL
BTW We haven't seen the Hilocow in a he doing alright? ~
GREA spam!!!
Awesome pictures, by the way.
Ahi - "Can I jump on you and eat your camera?"
Brad is real - I've met daylight even.