Choosing a gender to go with your first dog.

edited July 2009 in General
So, John called our breeder again today to ask some more questions about Tigers lineage etc. They talked a little about the litter they're planning in October and John commented that we were still interested but probably in a bitch this time (my choice, for some unknown reason I like the females better. Gotta be a girl thing I guess). The breeder said he wouldn't give us another dog, only a bitch, because our rescue is a dog.

I was under the impression that provided they were socialised, trained and watched that gender didn't make an awful lot of difference. Especially if they're both neutered (or will be). I tried to find the thread we read when we first joined discussing genders living together but couldn't find anything, the breeder said that it would bring out dominance in the dogs if they were both male, despite the fact we've seen no dominance or anything similar, at all, in Tiger thus far.

What do you guys think? Sorry if I've started yet another discussion that's been going on elsewhere, I get a little click happy.


  • edited November -1
    I was under the impression that provided they were socialised, trained and watched that gender didn't make an awful lot of difference. Especially if they're both neutered (or will be).
    >> True, in a vacuum (meaning in a perfect world), especially with the neutering part.

    I tried to find the thread we read when we first joined discussing genders living together but couldn't find anything, the breeder said that it would bring out dominance in the dogs if they were both male, despite the fact we've seen no dominance or anything similar, at all, in Tiger thus far.
    >> There we go with that word again: dominance! Did you ask him what he meant by dominance?

    What do you guys think?
    >> My opinion is this: The breeder is being smart by suggestion a female, as a female will most likely have an easier time coming into your home that's occupied by a male already. The breeder doesn't know for sure that you will socialize them properly, or that you have the knowledge to make things work with a male... so he's being smart, and safe, and I agree with him (not to imply I don't think you could handle it).

    Having said that, with proper socialization and introductions, bringing a male puppy into a home with a male already living there shouldn't be a huge deal. As they grow you will need to make sure you manage them properly and not leave them alone together until you would bet your life on them not having an issue while you are out.

    One thing you need to consider is that you have a rescue, and so you don't know his full history. He could be VERY aggressive toward males - or even aggressive toward puppies (no matter the sex). So, if I were you, I would yield on the safest side and get a female puppy for your adult male. Traditionally Shiba and Akita have been kept in male/female pairs.

    That's my opinion - hope it helps!

  • edited November -1
    I didn't have a chance to ask the breeder about what he'd said and John didn't elaborate, though I'll check. I never really thought about what they'd mean by dominance and now that I come to try to define it, I can't.

    You make a very good point with the rescue aspect, case in point despite the fact he's been good since we've met him (admittedly a very short time ago) he was on leash with Johns friend (we asked him to keep him on leash at all times when they hike because he as a dog has terrible recall/very little obediance training, and we don't know much about him at all and as a breed, it's generally not ideal anyway) one of the dogs they were walking with (off leash) tried to play with him and he got "frustrated" because he was on-leash, "went" for the other dog and ended up biting his own tongue. I wish I'd been there to witness it because they're being very sketchy with the details. They walked fine together after this and are assuming it was just frustration or a warning. I still wish I'd witnessed it so I could gauge my own interpretation.

    Anyway, yes, that's the general gist I got from the breeder too, Brad. That he doesn't want one of his pups going into a situation he isn't 100% sure of or that we can't control to the best of our ability - which is, of course, why we chose this breeder in the first place because he cares so much about where his pups are being placed.

    I'd rather make this whole situation as easy as possible for everyone involved (us, rescue and pup) and so if having a female is where that takes us, I shall definitely follow that lead!

    Thanks for your time!
  • edited November -1
    The female is what you wanted anyways, right?

    The breeder just reinforced your decision. -smiles-

    Good luck with the (hopefully) upcoming new puppy! I hope it will all work out.
  • edited November -1
    It's true Corina, I was just wondering if there was a reason the breeder had been originally pushing us to go for a dog and then changing his tune. Fortunately Brad of all breeds/genders was around haha.

    He'll be a december pup for us, born in october with any luck! I am beyond excited. Whats more exciting is getting Tiger back on Saturday. I'm going to walk that dog into the ground and then smoosh him with love ! Who knew it was so easy to get attached?
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