Future Shibas need your voice!

I'm not one to get caught up in this sort of thing, but for some reason this really bothers me...

Ryan Seacrest announced to a gazillion people that he wants a Shiba Inu.

And so, as any responsible Shiba Inu owner would do, I went to his contact page:

And suggested these 11 points (written by Cortez's The Woman via i-am-shiba.blogspot.com)

Eleven Reasons to Get a Shiba.

1. You will get plenty of exercise chasing your dog through the neighborhood.

2. You will save money on landscaping because the Shiba will do it for you.

3. You will get lots of attention from the public because everyone thinks that your dog is a mutt, a husky, an Akita, or a Corgi.

4. They are easy to housebreak, but often refuse to eliminate in their own territory, resulting in walks a mile away from home before they decide its okay to "deposit" here.

5. You need to know your place in society. The Shiba will teach you that it is to serve him, not vice versa.

6. The Shiba will question everything that you do. Like, why did you throw that perfectly good ball away? No, I will not go get it. You threw it. You get it.

7. You will learn that variety is important to your diet. This means that the dog food you fed yesterday is not adequate for today. If you think that you can wait it out, be prepared that your Shiba can wait longer.

8. Shibas believe that they are rulers supreme. After all, they are a National Treasure of Japan. Hence all dogs need to bow in their presence. That includes Pit Bulls, Rottweilers, Dobermans, German Shepherds and that poor innocent happy Labrador that lives down the street. They may not start the fight, but they will finish it.

9. Shibas are hunters, and hunt they do. Its deeply bred into their blood. Squirrels, chipmunks, birds, the neighbor's cat; nothing is off limits.

10. Shibas shed more fur than most dog breeds combined. No one will doubt that you own a dog when you come to work wearing your Shiba's fur.

11. Shiba owners are a very proud people of their breed. If you disappoint us by any perceived maltreatment of our favorite dog, we will mail you all the fur that our dogs have shed between your Idol showings, just to prove that we will be keeping our eyes on you.

Please check out http://www.shibas.org/rescue.html
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I don't know if he cares about feedback or not, but I urge you to consider to do the same! You never know.. maybe next year he'll want a Hokkaido.


  • edited July 2009
    LMAO, I love it. You are right to be bothered. If he does get one ,and the nation knows the, same thing will happen to the Shiba that has happened to every other "celebrity" dog. A ton of stupid ignorant people will say "awe it looks like a fox, its so cute, I want one" and then we will have a pet shop puppy explosion, puppy mills will produce them in huge numbers, then when all the idiots that thought the Shiba puppy in the window was so cute will find out that they had no idea what they were thinking after they try to live with a Shiba and then we will see a sh*t load of them in shelters. That irritates me, too. Maybe all of us should email him pictures of tumbleweeds of Shiba fur, :)
  • edited November -1
    That is so sad...I guess he wants to be just like little miss Osborne. (btw, does anyone know what happened with her shiba?)
  • edited November -1
    Funny I was thinking that too regarding Ms. Osbourne. Which, btw, I found out via my friend who said- on facebook mind you- "you want to be like Kelly Osbourne" when I first got Shao New. I almost killed him.

    I just tried searching, no new news...maybe she's kept him?
  • edited July 2009
    Kelly's creamy looks super uncomfortable and awkward while she carries it around like a chihuahua.


    Shiba Disclaimer: Not for Pocketbooks.
  • edited November -1
    I just looked at those pictures. Oh my god, that is ridiculous.
  • edited November -1
    I emailed him :)
  • edited November -1
    Ugh, those pictures. Really? =_=...

    I mean, far be it for us to assume that no celebrity or semi-celebrity is actually knowledgeable, (and lots of Japanese idols and stars have Shiba too), but I just think that they should be a bit more careful than to publicly announce anything like that. Goodness knows how many people out there run out to get pets based upon the stupidest reasons..
  • edited November -1
    I emailed him too... we'll see what happens. Who knows if he even reads any of that stuff that gets sent to him.
  • edited November -1
    I also e-mailed, hopefully someone will let him know our concerns.
  • edited July 2009
    Here's what I sent. I decided to take a 'brief' approach in the hopes that he might actually read it.

    Dear Mr. Seacrest,
    I am pleased that you have considered a Shiba Inu as a future dog. With your strong public influence, however, I fear that many misinformed people may 'jump on the bandwagon' and also decide that a "little fox-dog" is what they would like.

    My concern is this: The sudden burst in popularity will create the perfect recipe for backyard breeders and puppy mills to start up. These people will undoubtedly find a way to get a Shiba, and I fear for the integrity of the breed. As you may know a Shiba’s bloodline is incredibly important to maintain professionally. Puppy mills have no idea how to maintain healthy bloodlines and are in business with money in mind, not the long-term well being of the breed.

    I am not trying to discourage you from buying/rescuing a Shiba, I am simply requesting that if you do get one, please do not make it a public affair. I would hate to see such a beautiful ancient breed be tarnished by the possible inbreeding and irresponsible ownership of Shibas by people who may have unreasonable expectations of owning/”breeding” a Shiba.

    Thank you very much for taking the time to read this,
    Kyla ______ & Mylo (Shiba rescued from NYC Shiba Rescue)

    P.s. For further information about the breed and other native Japanese breeds, visit www.nihonken.org
  • edited November -1
    Has anyone received any response (automated or otherwise) ?
  • edited November -1
    I just emailed him and commented on his webpage

  • edited November -1
    Nope, didn't hear a thing back.
  • edited November -1
    I forgot to mention that I never liked Seacrest in the first place. He's dropped down a few pegs with this. Maybe I'll email him again in a few days and tell him a full grown Shiba won' fit in his purse. I'm sure he'd just buy a teacup shiba anyway.
  • edited November -1
    LOL! Another shiba owner I know said " a Shiba would physically "fit" Seacrest. Taken out of context, it would look like a normal guy with an Akita. "

    Honestly, I don't know that much about the guy, only that he's famous and his words reach millions of people, and he should be more socially conscious!
  • edited July 2009
    The man has earned the nickname and reputation of being, "The busiest man in show business." I am amazed and admire his tenacity to keep himself relevant and visible to the public eye for as long as he has in the cut-throat industry where the public has a 2-week memory, considering he comes from humbler beginnings as a radio DJ.

    He's a radio DJ with a morning talk show (KIIS 102.7)
    He's an executive producer of the "Keeping up with the Kardashian" reality TV series
    he's an executive producer of "Denise Richards: It's Complicated" reality TV series
    he's an executive producer of "Bromance" reality TV series
    he's an executive producer of "Momma's Boys" reality TV series
    He's the host of American Idol

    How, with all this, is he going to have time to own a dog, especially one that's as high-maintenance as a strong-willed Shiba?

    Jen: He's 5'8" and never hesitates to comment on his radio show about how he's "short" and can't date women taller than him...

  • edited November -1
    "How, with all this, is he going to have time to own a dog, especially one that's as high-maintenance as a strong-willed Shiba?"

    I doubt he will have much to do personally with training or caring for the dog, whether it is a Shiba or something else. People like Seacrest have minions for that kind of thing.
  • edited November -1
    Stranger, exactly he'll bring it out for show... and he'll probably get the cream one b/c some idiot on that website said it's "rare". I guess I'll go put Spuds on lockdown as she's worth millions ;-P Actually, she is, but you know what I mean hehe.
  • edited November -1
    minions, lol.
  • edited July 2009
    You know, for the right price, I wouldn't mind being paid as Seacrest's "Shiba Expert" :)
    Think of it, being paid all day long to play and train shibas. Heavenly.

    Then. Oh this will be awesome. Then.. when he's in the way I can say "SEACREST - OUT!"
  • edited November -1
    LOL yeah that should be a cool job, Jen! Wouldn't mind that either but still worried about the Shiba Inu...
  • edited November -1
    He would probably name his dog Seacrest so that he could do that himself.
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