Meaning behind your pups name



  • edited November -1
    Right...I am aware of the liberties the japanese took in their quirk is that I like to name my dogs after legendary warriors. Had a sheltie named Cu Chullain. Anyway, Amaterasu is currently winning in my house...
  • edited November -1
    Great stories, everyone!

    I didn't pick my Anakin's name, my husband did. We'd been considering getting a dog, and we'd agreed that he could pick the name if I picked the dog and vice versa. At the time, I worked in a shopping mall and spent every lunch break in the pet store (looking at puppies, yes, I know). One day while I was on my lunch break, one of the girls who worked the pet shop was juggling a puppy in one arm and cleaning out its cage with the other, so I swooped in and held the puppy. I was trying to be helpful, and we talked for a little while. Then she closed up the puppy cage and, when I reminded her that I was still holding the puppy, she told me that he wasn't going back into the cage. Silly me, I said, "Oh, so he's going home!" The girl fumbled for words before admitting that he was a puppy mill puppy and that he had several health problems (the vet had been by earlier) and that they were just going to euthanize him. I begged the girl not to let anyone do it, and promised over and over that I would be back after my shift. I went back to work, made a few frantic calls to my husband about meeting me at the pet store instead of work that night (we'd had a date night planned) and thought about the puppy all day. My husband met me at the pet store, took one look at the puppy, and asked what it was. He didn't believe that it was a dog! In fact, he refused to get the puppy and wanted to continue our date night. We went to the movies, but by the end of the film he realized that I had my heart set on the puppy. We'd just been married, Valentine's Day was approaching, and he couldn't tell me no. Just before the mall closed, we went back and he put the Shiba puppy on his credit card.

    So, I got to pick the puppy. It wasn't the breed my husband wanted. The puppy had a seizure disorder (probably inbreeding) and an un-descended testicle. He needed to be neutered ASAP and would face a lifetime of needed care. But I love him, anyway, and I wanted this puppy more than anything.

    And my husband got to pick the name. We'd gone to see Star Wars that night. And the name on his mind had been "Anakin".

    So, my poor puppy-mill, pet-store puppy in need of a home became my beloved Anakin.
  • edited November -1
    in response to the "dog" "deogy" comments, my sister has a bird called "Bird" and when me/my brother used to ask "can we let the bird out?" she used to shout at us and say "not THE bird, just BIRD. Its his name! I didn't just forget to name him, his name is BIRD" lol
  • edited November -1
    Kenshi, I love that name. It was one of the ones I floated to Dawn early on, she felt it was too long.
  • edited November -1
    Cu Cullain= Hound of Cullen- a dog named after a warrior named after a dog.
    on the Irish heroes theme,
    my male cat is Finn McCumhail - look out! :) we named him that because he is indomitable. As a kitten, he'd get his ass kicked by our older cat, Loki, and keep coming back for more. Never gave in. She'd pin him and let him up and he'd just come dancing back in like it was all a big joke. He doesn't suck his thumb though, because he doesn't have one...he does love fish.
  • edited November -1
    I didn't really have a reason for Shira's name. I almost named her "Toast" or "Toasty" because her golden accents make her look like a toasted marshmallow :) I initially wanted a little boy and had a bunch of possible boys' names like Zak, Shiro, Tank, Jiro, Dax/Daxter, Koshu, Tiro... No names meant anything that I know of. I liked Shiro a lot, but it turns out I was destined for a little princess pup so I just made it Shira.
  • edited November -1
    Mylo is Mylo because that's what his name was when I adopted him from NYCSR. I actually just looked up the name and apparently 'Mylo' or 'Milo' is latinized from 'Miles' which can mean "eager to please"... HA. A Shiba eager to please... right. Maybe eager to please themselves.

    Mylo's nicknames include Monkey, Mylo-schmylo, Booger, Fuffers, Puppy, Puppers, Poopers, Muffin... whatever pops into my head when I come home. Monkey is the most common though... not sure why.

    If (lets be honest... when) I get another Shiba, I want it to be a B&T named Guinness. Someone on the forum (I'm so sorry, I forget who) has a B&T named Guinness, but I actually want to use the name because of a long and interesting story of how my brother was almost named Guinnless (from the old ads "Guinnless isn't good for you"). Nothing like family history in the pups names =0).
  • edited November -1
    Mochi is named after Mochi - japanese rice cake :P My husband picked the name for our future shiba, before we even knew what color. Of course when we saw a cream/white shiba, the name fit perfectly and it stuck ;oP
  • edited November -1
    Aw, Milo! I love seeing happy NYCSR alumni. :)

    All these exotic and interesting names... <sigh> I wanted to give Snick a Japanese warrior name of some sort, but my daughter (who was 10 at the time) was determined to name him after candy or food. Some of the names she and her friends came up with were pretty funny! Skittles was one of her top choices, but I vetoed that FAST. His breeder was naming all the other pups with an 'N in the name. We ended up with Kawakirei BNT Sweet 'N Nutty for his registered name and Snickers for his call name. Of course, on the Internet, he's just Snick the Dog.
  • edited November -1
    Sevuk just means blacky in armenian, simple as that. We didn't think we would end up keeping him thinking we would find his owner, but turns out we were wrong. My cousin just saw him the first day we had him and just said lets call him that. It just stuck.

    Funny part is that our neighbors 3 houses down have a female min pin named Sevuk too and when we call them when they're playing together they both run over haha.
  • edited August 2009
    I named my Shikoku "Banshee", although his pedigree name is "Gaijen" which means "Stranger or Foreigner" which I think is fitting for him living in North America. The name "Banshee" was the name of my platoon within the Marine Corps and was named after the Irish folklore of an Irish spirit which haunts people who are near death with a screeching cry. Banshee doesn't actually screech but I'm partial to the name.
  • edited November -1
    We named Ichiro when we got his picture from the breeder, before meeting him formally. It’s a traditional Japanese name for first born son, and well – he’s it! Thank heavens it stuck. Now we are sure to watch anytime my White Sox play Seattle so maybe Ichiro will recognize his name when Ichiro Suzuki comes up to bat! I joke that while we are Sox fans, my dog is a Mariners fan. :) His nicknames include – Chiro-chan, Frank the Taco Detective, Action Bastard and Pants! (because who can resist fluffy shiba pantaloons??).

    Our little girl came with the name Akira. She was a minor internet star, as her little was raised by a SIRA volunteer and broadcast on the internet, like the San Franciscan litter. We kept the name but do often shorten it to Kira, and understand that Akira both masculine and feminine and means 'dawn' or day break. (She was named after Akira Kurasawa by SIRA.) Her nicknames include Princess Akira Wasabi Pea, Sabi, Kira-sabi, and just recently ‘Copter Pants (because I swear her tail is like a helicopter and she’s going to fly away butt first!)

    Here’s Frank, the Taco Detective with his side kick, Copter Pants… Or just Ichiro and Akira.
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