I know there are already like 5 different threads on this but in town today I saw a puppy rottweiler being ignored by its owner and whoever he was talking to whilst a little girl kept putting her hand in and out of his face. The puppy play bowed and then jumped up at the little girl, who fell over, the guy grabbed his dog by the nose and hit it repeatedly. It cowered. He got the little girls hand, held the nose and instructed her to hit it on the nose too so that "it would know who was the boss". The dog at this point was cowering on the floor. It was awful. I wanted to take it off him :( makes me so angry.


  • edited November -1
    That is just so cruel, and what a thing to teach a child. Aside that it's wrong, isn't it dangerous to teach a child to hit a dog on the nose so that "it would know who's boss". I mean, what would happen if that child did that to a short tempered dog, she'd lose a hand.
  • edited November -1
    no offense Miss M, but when I was in England, every other dog owner was yanking their dog's collars at everything. Dog gets out of the car with owner and is curious where he is YANK/choke, dog wants to sniff at person walking by YANK/choke, dog at the airport getting checked in and curious YANK / choke etc. etc...all had 2 handed pulls and yanks, owner's whole body moving to give the dog a yank/pull/choke...also nobody i talked to knew who Victoria Stilwell was, but they new who Cesar was... then again I'm sure people see us Americans doing the Ceasar back kick/distract routine while on walks...I sure see it. I feel really bad for that rottie...and the dogs I saw totally over corrected while i was there :( You keep up the good work Miss M, I'm sure you can set a good example for everybody with Tiger pup.
  • edited November -1
    If that Rottie had just a little more stubborness in it, then that would've been equally likely as well.
  • edited August 2009
    Crap, that is a horrible way to deal with that situation. There is so many thing wrong in that picture. That dog is now (probably) going to grow to be fearful of kids. Good job dude.

  • edited November -1
    Calia, we have a major problem at least in Birmingham with dog bites etc and I'm pretty sure it's to do with attitudes like this being taught all over. I was always told never to approach a dog without permission from the owner and to never shove my hand quickly at one at all, because it's not how I'd great a person, it's rude. I taught my nephews/neices that, they lived with 2 troubled labs and never got bitten because they took care. Kids like this girl are going to get hurt and a dogs going to get put down for it. Teaching a child it's ok to hit a rottweiler on the nose? Any dog, admittedly, it's a terrible lesson but that rott is going to teach a lesson of it's own one day in the only way it really knows how and it'll be punished for it :(

    Irene, me and John watch Stillwell though we do also watch Cesar. Mostly we only watch for the exposure to all the different breeds of dogs, we get our training from mostly the clicker books we have and common sense. Cesar isn't massive around here but from what I've mostly understood his way of thinking, regardless of any spokesperson, has always been the general rule. It's a shame and probably the reason we have so many dangerous dogs and clueless owners with their mauled children. It makes me angry, it's a massive sore spot in our house. We get fairly righteous when we see people mistreating their dogs in the street, we have to try and calm ourselves instead of attacking people and removing their dogs. We'd be surrounded by rescues if it was a viable option.

    Jesse, it's true. One day it's going to end horribly. And they'll blame the dog :(

    Brad, I only started watching the exchange because of the way no-one was paying attention to the dog in the first place. Puppy in a city with a child in it's face makes me stop and watch. Dogs going to grow up fearful of everything and the childs going to grow up abusing dogs thinking she's doing the right thing.

    URGH. Whole situation makes me angry.
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