Urinary Tract Infection..ARGH!!!!!

Ok, from the title I'm sure you can tell I'm panicking. Waiting for 8AM to roll by so I can take her to the vet..poor Spuds peeing out a bit of blood! :( On call vet called me back and wanted me to have her hold it until she comes in...one hour should be fine....poor thing, she's unconfortable and now laying on her bed all wrapped up as if it's cold (it's not) :( :(

That and I found a FLEA on her last night...does anything ever end...

Anyway just wanted to share..anybody with suggestions on I may alleviate her discomfort please feel free to tell..


  • edited November -1
    Sorry to hear about the Spud, feel better soon you little white potato. Sorry about the flea! I don't know if it was Katsu or Houndstown, but I feel bad.

    Keep us posted on the Spud
  • edited November -1
    Get well soon Shao New, healing vibes all the way
  • edited November -1
    Awww, poor Hot Potato! Hopefully she is okay! Feel Better Spuds!
  • edited November -1
    oh no!

    How is she now?
  • edited November -1
    Oh man I hope she feels better soon.
  • edited August 2009
    Thanks guys, we've been back for an hour and two walks already..poor spuds. She peed right in the waiting room, so they got the bloody sample, and got us in ASAP hehehe nobody complained..good job Spuds on getting seen first!

    She's finally asleep..poor thing. It's her 10 month bday too. They gave her Calavmox (antibiotic) and Capstar for her flea(s).
    *Joe, apparently they DONT recommend the flea shampoos anymore and would rather give this one capsule Capstar? I think I'll give it to her after today to see how she reacts to her antibiotics. She's also due to get another dose of Frontline on Friday. I don't think it was Katsu, fleas are everywhere, the little bastards.

    Anyway, Shao New sends her thanks for the best wishes ;-) I'm just glad I saw the red spot come out while I stared at her trying to pee (she kept hovering for minutes at a time). I can only imagine if I had gone straight to work!

    *edit--has anybody given their dog cranberry juice? I've also been giving her blueberries as a treat heard that's really good for dogs? Guess I haven't been giving enough..that and I'm really going to have to come home at lunchtime to let her out from now on..I'm having a guilt complex now :-/
  • edited November -1
    Seems like you were worrying outta your mind like a good doggy mommy would. Hope the antibiotics work, and fast.
  • edited November -1
    Don't worry too much yet. It is not uncommon for young female dogs to have a bladder infection. It happens sometimes during a growth spurt or after spay.
    Make sure she has access to plenty of water so she can flush her system.

    There is Berry Balance by Sold Gold. It's a powder you can put on food. You don't need much. 1/8 of a tea sp for a 15 lb dog, 3 days a week. As always check with your vet to make sure all is a ok first though. If it were me I would wait until you are done with the prescriptions since Clavamox can give tummy troubles for some animals. You don't want to compound the situation. Treat one thing first and use the berry to maintain health for a month or so, once the antibiotics are done.

  • edited November -1
    Poor Spuds... Nola feels her pain. She had a UTI a few months ago... It was painful to watch her try and pee. Hopefully the Clavamox will get her all cleared up!
  • edited August 2009
    Spuds is pretty drugged up, but still wants to cause trouble with tissues and being nosey as to what I'm cleaning and with what and how...she's back asleep now after another mini walk.

    SnF, your note re: young female pups makes so much more sense. My old dog was a female, and we never had any UTI problems (she was an adult when we rescued her and was not spayed). Getting spayed is still a necessity and I don't regret getting Spuds done, I just need to be more careful with her..though the vet said it "just happens". *shrugs* Thanks also for reminding me of the berry thing Solid gold makes, she's on SG now, so it shouldn't be too much of an addition, but will check w/ the vet--and yes they told me the antibiotic would upset her tummy so to feed her a light meal while administering. :)

    Casey, is it true they will be 100% tomorrow after being on antibiotics for a day?

    One a side note, while she was getting checked, the other vet (my vet has the late shift today and wasn't there) and the vet tech both said, "wow, you're a NICE Shiba!" I found that interesting...wonder if they are notorious with vets as over-reactive troublemakers.
  • edited November -1
    You know Irene most of the vets I have talked to about Shibas say they are mean dogs! I don't use any of those vets. My current vet is very nice and said Shiba's get a bad rap because the Shiba Scream and they tend to be more mouthy.
  • edited November -1
    I've never met today's vet, she's was OK and new, but I really didn't want to wait until 11:30 for my normal vet to get in (he's really good, one of the senior vets there, and he can do whatever he wants to Spuds and she never flinches :) . But I'm with you on that, if the vet can't make the dog comfy, he/she probably isn't very good. Spuds shiba screamed at the vet down the street from me when she was getting scrapped, and my current vet did the same procedure and she just stood there looking around the room :)
  • edited November -1
    Irene - Nola was on a 14-day course of antibiotics (twice a day Clavamox). I could start to tell a difference after a couple of days, but could see a MAJOR difference after about a week. After the first couple of days, her urine was no longer bloody, but still cloudy and she was still taking lots of small pees. After a week, her urine was clear and she was able to actually pee it all out in one go and hold it for longer.
  • edited November -1
    Thanks Casey, ..I think I may have to just bring her into work through the end of the week and hopefully nobody in the building complains.
  • edited November -1
    Glad to hear The Spud is okay, and you guys got to see the vet. Katsu was worried about her buddy.
  • edited November -1
    Oh no it's not a good week for our pups. I hope Shao New gets better quick. I get UTI's and man are they uncomfortable. Poor little girl. At least she has you there to give her lots of love.

    On the NICE Shiba comment. Koda just finished his shots a week and a half ago and we've been going to the dog park. I've gotten that comment about him. I think cause he's still just a pup and small, although he's black and already bigger than any Shiba so I don't get how he looks like a Shiba at all. It's usually followed by the "All the other Shibas who come here are so mean. They fight until they break skin." Poor Shibas have such a bad wrap.
  • edited November -1
    Yeah. They get a bad rap. We go to the vet that Bali Hai uses, and the techs there love Katsu. They always say how sweet and quiet she is.
  • edited November -1
    Quiet? Ha ha ha I can't picture Katsu as quiet.
  • edited November -1
    Glad she got to see the vet and is on the mend!

    While Tsuki never had UTI issues, our pal Eva the cairn terrier had a few as a pup growing up. I hear its common.
  • edited November -1
    ouchies =0( UTI's are never fun. Glad she's got antibiotics though! I've had more than my fair share of antibiotics, and the rule (at least for humans) is that if you don't see an improvement in the first three days, call the doc again. I'm no vet, but I would assume it to be the same (or very close) with dogs.

    ***healing vibes for the special potato***
  • edited November -1
    Thanks Kyla for the pointer. Situations like these, with drugs involved, I have to revert back to treating her as if she's like a human and use common sense...if it doesn't work by then, we have some issues. Let's hope it works by tomorrow b/c I hate seeing her like this when she "goes". She's even beginning to sit down kinda funny / slow.
  • edited November -1
    So finally last night Spuds was urinating normally again...today, b/c it's hot, our geriatric pup has decided she can hold her 2nd morning run through lunch since it was too hot. I just got back from walking her it was so hot we walked out, she peed, and pulled me right back home to drink more water :)

    Thanks for everybody's healing thoughts :)

    ps-I'm calling her the geriatric pup today, as she got her heartworm, frontline, claritin and clavmox this morning (over a 3 hour span)..now that's drugged up :)
  • edited November -1
    Yay I'm glad to hear she's feeling better. Best to stay out of the hot weather. If she gets dried out the incontinence may come back. Nasty business these UTI's. :)
  • edited November -1
    Definitely glad to hear that she is doing better!
  • edited November -1
    Your poor little old lady pup, pill popping at such a young age :)
  • edited November -1
    Good stuff! I'm glad she's finding it a bit more comfortable to "go". Make sure you finish the antibiotics to the very last day to make sure the infection is totally gone =0)
  • edited November -1
    Thanks Ladies. Us women know how it feels!! ;-) She may actually be scared now to pee, I think she may just be holding it b/c it hurt..she's being cautious I guess....or it's b/c I've been forcing her out alot and she doesn't really have anything...anyway, at least she's not hovering and looking like she's in alot of pain trying to pee for 2 minutes (no joke it was that long, i counted).

    And yes, gotta make sure the pill popping starts young hehe.
  • edited November -1
    Forgot to mention this the other day, her uralysis came back the next day with some crystals. Nothing that bad, and I am calling the vet tomorrow anyway as she's getting a bit lethargic (my normal vet is not in on Mondays).. From what I can gather, crystals may form as a result of low acidity in her urine, infrequent urination, as well as eating dry dog food? Guess that would make sense, as that's all I've been feeding her to keep her teeth clean. (This is me on overkill as my old dog was super healthy except for her teeth b/c we gave her people / soft food). I'll go and get some canned food for her tonight, but wondering if the crystals issue is something any of you guys have encountered?
  • edited November -1
    Hey Irene!

    I've heard of a few shibas with crystals actually. Not sure if they all ate dry food only or not..

    A good blog for you to check out would be Winnie's: http://awinnieday.blogspot.com/

    She blogs about Winnie (shiba)'s crystals and prevention of them.

    She's also a partial raw feeder and home cooks for her dogs - that should interest you, too!
  • edited November -1
    Thanks Jen! On quick scan that looks like an awesome blog! :)

    And yes, I hate processed dog food, and it doesn't help Spuds is so fragile compared to my old dog who ate whatever we had (within reason) and lived happy and healthy! I'm keeping her on the dog food as she is a puppy and it has more nutrition than what I can provide at this point (I need to start reseraching on how to be a good doggy cook), and this blog looks very promising!
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