The house is still standing

edited August 2009 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)
So, I decided to leave the pups out while I was at work, I left at 8 am and got home at 3:30pm, and THE HOUSE IS STILL STANDING!

The couches are intact, carpet not chewed. The only thing is by the base board someone decided they needed to chew the paint off the wall to show me there was a nail under the paint. Other than that no messes. I knew they wouldn't use the bathroom but I was worried about the furniture and other things.

I am proud!


  • edited November -1
    Yay! Congrats! :-D And good job Remy and Guinness!
  • edited November -1
    Yay! I can't remember when we decided to let our two home alone outside of barricades.. but they've done well ( I never thought Tsuki would get to this point!)
  • edited November -1
    I was surprised and happy! I bought them some new toys to congratulate them!
  • edited November -1
    Yay! Did you get a little nervous when you were driving up your street? I do that.
  • edited November -1
    ya I was thinking "i hope the couches are at least still there"
  • edited November -1
    We still haven't let Katsu out alone, she's still too young. But we do fall asleep on the couch while she's uncrated and I've yet to wake up with a plastic bag over my head, and her standing over me gloating. I can't wait till she's older and we let her have run of the co op.
  • edited November -1
    Haha Tara, I know that feeling. The first few times I let Haru have her run of the house I was all worked up driving down into the parking lot.

    She goes nuts when she's crated, fine when I leave, but after a few calls from my landlord saying it sounded like someone was killing my dog I started locking her into my office. She doesn't make a peep in there, but she did chew threw my LAN cable.

    Funny thing is, she hasn't touched a thing since I started leaving her out in the house.
  • edited November -1
    Koda chewed through my kitchen phone cable. ha ha ha. Ofcourse he climbed on top of the kitchen counter to do it. Seriously, I don't know what he does sometimes. It's not my choice to leave Koda out, the darn dog climbs over that xpen still.

    And I drive up the street scared almost everyday. lol
  • edited November -1
    We didn't let Shao New out of her crate/free range until she was about 8 1/2 months. She destroyed the foot mat the first day of freedom and chewed on the molding a week or two after that.. but that was it, and she's been good since. When we first got her she properly chewed through the thick leg of our antique japanese coffee table...not impressed...trainer came in, and told us we needed to do crate training...crate training is a god send!
  • edited November -1
    It was trial and error in our house too... someone who shall not be named used to think it was fine to leave them out "for just a minute" while he went to the store/dinner/work/neighbors and I'd walk in to find a paper towel roll graveyard, with 2 bouncy pups waiting to show me their handiwork. Now that we live in the house instead of the apartment, the 2 younger dogs stay in the basement during the day, even though Miki does fine when we leave her out unsupervised. Yogi hangs out free in the house and we think he just sits on our bed and watches out the front window all day. He's also a great alarm system, so we feel pretty comfortable knowing that he'd try his best to fend off any scary mailmen and boyscouts.
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