Tojo, you brat!



  • edited November -1

    wow - you guys really like cats. lol!

    I will admit, all these cats are very cute. Maybe I am wrong about them... Maybe Tabasco was just a meanie.

    I still will probaly never get another cat. Tongue out

  • edited November -1
    Lol every cat hater and disliker I've met in my life has always made an exception with my Dahmer. He's a converter :P
  • edited November -1
    LOL, look it all the cat-lovers on here!  Im with brad though...but thats just because im allergic...and they make me itch!  Im sure they are wonderful pets though!  I heard living with cats actually makes you live longer?  I don't know something with their purring that calms a human body down or something...i don't i just seem like im talking out of my ass!  John used to have 3 cats...he had one black cat named Cleo who had this weird habit of always going into the bathroom with him while he would drop the kids off at the pool.  But, all you guys have very pretty kitties!
  • edited November -1
    HAHAHA!  The purr is a very amazing thing.  I still pick Niko up and cuddle with her and expect to hear a purr.  That is from growing up with cats all my life.  I love cats and respect them but like I said...I dont know if we will continue to have cats.  Maybe the reason is because kitty hates the dogs.   I love the pics of the cats and dogs cohabitating.  Kitty is just finally starting to walk in the same room with them.  Probably doesnt help that the dogs are out 24/7 now....
  • edited November -1

    I was just reminded (by the stolen crate thread) of a part of my cat story I left out...

    I paid to have that work done on Tabasco, at the time I had just got a job with after being laid off and unemployed for 9+ months (9/11 time period)... anyway, my point is, I was really broke. I used the money I had saved by doing odd freelance gigs, to pay my mortgage and bills for the next month, to pay for her vet visit ($1500)...

    Two days later, I get a random check in the mail for $1489 from my mortgage company - totally unexpected! That's karma!

  • edited November -1



    (I'm undr ur blanketz, stealin' ur wrmth!)


    Homer is kind of an ass.  I love him to death, but he likes to be annoying, and things run on his schedule.  He will paw at doors, continuously, until I get up and feed him.  Or he will meow from the other room, or try and knock over my lamp.  He is a good lap warmer though, and can be really sweet.  He also likes to sleep in the dryer, he has his own blanket in there when it's not in use.



    (Eatin blanketz. NOM NOM NOM!)


    Moxie is fat.  Really, pretty fat.  I'm trying to help her lose weight, but she isn't interested in going on walks.  She is about 6 now, I've lived with her for 4+ years and she still doesn't allow me to pick her up.  No one can except forJennifer.  I can get her across a room (past the dog) but she meows and digs her rear claws into me.  She is great when you aren't feeling well though.  Always nuzzles right up to you and stays with you for a few hours while you watch tv.  She sleeps between my legs every night and feels like a 400lb weight when I wake up and try to move my legs.

    They are both good cats.  I like cats a lot though, always have.  Neither of them really like Nemo.  Moxie HATES Nemo.  She still freaks out, puffs up, hisses, and runs away.  Homer doesn't love Nemo but he gets along with him a bit better.  He will kind of play with Nemo where he runs from him and jumps up on things (safe spots) then Nemo will leave him alone.  Homer also likes to hit Nemo in the face a lot (no front claws) and Nemo thinks it's great.


  • edited November -1

    That's nice of your kitty to sleep between your legs.  My cats insist on sleeping right up by my face.  If they get in the room at night, I always wake up with two cats on my chest, breathing up my nose and licking my chin while they hold my face with their claws.  Oddly enough, they leave Noah entirely alone!  

    Last night, Hester ripped open a cereal box to eat the cereal.  Later on I caught her walking around with an empty chip bag over her head (that she got out of the garbage)... *shakes head* My cats are so weird.

  • edited November -1

    Well, I've always liked both cats and dogs. However, I've always been a total cat-lover! Cats have always been there for me. I wasn't always able to have a dog, so I had cats (and mice, birds, hamsters and rabbits), mainly cats. I always wanted a dog though too, one of my very own, but was not able to for a long time.

    To this day, I am still a cat-lover. And often consider myself to be a "Cat person". The dogs kinda grew on me though, I still prefer cats to dogs, but I  love MY dogs. As you can see, my dogs are quite "cat-like", being Malinois and Shikoku. 

    =(^-^`)= I guess there is no denying that I AM a "Dog-person" as well. I mean, geez, having dogs is like having kids. Only "Dog-people" can completely understand this, but they go EVERYWHERE with me. Sometimes, even to work. And shoot I took my German Shepherd to school, to my (theatre) classes and (intercultural) club meetings, a few times as well <-- Lynx and Kei too! And when I'm invited by a friend to go somewhere...I always ask, "Is it okay if my dogs come too?" or if this place is close-by enough, "Wait, I have to let the dogs out for a bit/drop them off at home."

    Really, I am an Animal-lover in general, geared more towards Mammals. And my FAVORITE species are CATS and ORCAS!!! It's like a REALLY bad obsession, lol.

    My cats have much better realiblity though then my dogs (my competition dogs!). If my cats get out, I know that I can recall them back no matter what, they always come. And if I allow them to go outside, I can call them to "check-in" with me...though, they usually do that themselves. I can trust my cats to be off-leash (but they are on leash in unsafe and new environments), where I must always have my dogs leashed a good majority of the time. My dogs seem to be more independent whearas my cats seem to be more dependent.

    I guess I've been lucky with my cats, but I also act like a cat myself a lot of the times too -giggles-. I wrestle with them, play chasing games, sleep with them, groom them (with a brush!), occasionally go on walks (not as much as before...Fiskars likes to stay home nowadays) and so forth. I'm very intune to the "cat ways". I learned how to be a cat from them.

    Now my dogs are teaching me how I should behave around them. It is quite different, so many rules. And I can't cuddle or wrestle with them very often -frowns- because I have to play the "Alpha" role. We still play in a variety of ways that is more "Alpha-Pack member appropriate". Everyday I learn how to better communicate with my dogs, in their language. 

    Dog psychology and pack structure is very interesting indeed. I think cats are so much easier to figure out and much more loving!

    Photos of my feline crew:

    Cutie (13 years of age - male - Abyssinian Mix)


    Fiskars (9 years of age - female - Domestic Mix)


    Mia (3 years of age - female - Domestic Mix)


    I think it is wonderful that so many of you also have cats. It makes me happy! And what pretty kittys we all have.

  • edited November -1

    I was looking through my pictures and found another spot-stealer Tojo picture.  I just think it's too cute not to share.  What an adorable little shiba face!


  • edited November -1 can you get mad at THAT face!
  • edited November -1
    Dont you just want to squeeze him?
  • edited November -1
    Hehehehe, he looks like he wants to snuggle Tongue out, but also has that "I didn't do it" face.
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