Update Kitsu has LP :(

So recently I have been noticing that sometimes my lil 1 year old shiba has been hopping around on 3 legs. She'd run to say hi to somebody but holding one of her back legs up.
At first I thought she had something in her paw or it hurt or something, but then she'd start trotting along normally. She runs around and plays and jumps but every so often starts hopping around on 3 legs. I even lifted her other back leg up to put weight on the one she holds up but she didnt seem to care.
I'm sure I'm gonna end up heading to the vet tomorrow but thought I'd see if anybody has any advice, I don't want to be a crazy panicky mom lol

thanks so much!


  • edited November -1
    I don't think that's crazy, panicky mom thing - that's a concerned owner. Unfortunately, we have several members that have shibas the have had to have surgery for LP and HD - these are valid concerns....or you could have the shiba that does it on purpose, switching the legs and only doing it once every couple of months to make you feel like you are paranoid.
  • edited November -1
    I hate to confirm LJ's analysis, but that sounds like the tell-tale signs of LP. The only way to know for sure is a vet check though. I wish you guys all the best!
  • edited November -1
    so I of course spent all night worrying and hustling off to the vet this morning and they confirmed that my little Kitsu has LP in her left knee :(

    Luckily the vet said it was only was stage I to very slight stage II and that it was pretty strong and not easy to move out of place. Her right knee is very strong and solid. I'll be starting her on supplements and hope to get her doing some hydrotherapy to strengthen it so it doesn't worsen and we can (cross our fingers) avoid having to do surgery later down the road.

    Any advice from anybody who has been though this would be most welcome...Kistu and I both thanks you guys! ;)
  • edited November -1
    I think you're on the right track. Low impact exercise to strengthen the supporting muscles, supplements, and a healthy diet. If it comes to it, surgery isn't the end of the world either. Lucy had it and you'd never know at this point.

    Here's Lucy post surgery:

    And here's Lucy now:

  • edited November -1
    So sorry to hear about this :(

    But you're being a good mum by taking her to the vet right away & doing all you can to make her healthy again.

    Best of luck! Hang in there Kitsu! ~
  • edited November -1
    Aw, I'm sorry. It's great that you caught it early, though. You're a crazy dog mom in a good way...you noticed when your pup was acting a bit off and now Kitsu can hopefully recover before it has a chance to get worse. Keep us updated!
  • edited November -1
    Poor little girl...
    I hope everything goes well with her exercises and that surgery won't be needed.
  • edited November -1
    Glad to hear that you got an early diagnosis and that the situation is managable.

    Sukoshi was diagnosed with hip dysplasia at 9 months, so my strategy has been to try to keep weight off of her and try to keep her muscle tone good. So far it seems to be working fairly well. Her exercise plan includes visits to the dog park at least every other day (weather permitting). I do the every other day routine so that if she strains something thru the hip area, then she has some recovery time. You may want to follow a similar approach with Kitsu. (Just a thought.)
  • edited November -1
    sorry to hear about your pup. we'll be thinking about you guys. healing vibes coming your way.
  • edited November -1
    I am so sorry to hear that! I am glad you were able to catch it early.
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