Kitsu's seal impression

So it's the oddest thing...Kitsu is in general a very mellow pup at home, but she loves to play and will at times run all over the apt. with her toys up and down and up and down the stairs carrying whatever toy she has in her mouth.

She LOVES jerky rawhide chews and bully sticks and the like (she is a chewer!) so I always make sure to have those on hand. Whenever I give her one she takes it and runs up and down the stairs with it before flopping down somewhere whining like nobody's business. Half the time it sounds like she's swallowed a seal!

Has anybody else ever experienced this?


  • edited November -1
    Jada does it too. I can't hear the sound at work but it looks like this:

  • MnVMnV
    edited November -1

    Beautiful shibas. LOL at Jada's Down command.

    Why are Shibas look so much like mini Akitas?
  • edited November -1
    I was just playing Kitsu's video and Merlin(my Lab) came over super curious about what Kitsu had. LOL
  • edited November -1
    Tetsu makes similar noises when he really wants something, like going out to play with the neighbors dog or to go to the bathroom.

    It's amazing how such a quiet breed can have such a range of vocal sounds.
  • edited November -1
    toki does that too
    but only when he has something he really wants but doesn't want it at the moment
    like a milk bone when he isn't hungry or a bully stick when he doesn't have time to chew it
    then he moves it all over the place and fake buries it with his nose.

    What has been the best chew toy/treat that kitsu has had?
    toki is a chewer too
  • edited November -1
    Ki is more like Tetsu and doesn't whine when he has something but he whines when he's excited or wants something. It's timing seems to have the same meaning as a kid going "Pleeeeeease? Come on! Pleeeease?! It'll be AWESOME!" It could be anything from going outside to seeing a dog he wants to meet when he's on leash to anticipating getting a bully stick. I never really minded the vocalization since I grew up with yappy dogs and am very happy that Ki doesn't excited-vocalize that way. lol I love how Jada's soft whine goes into ruu'ing with her mouth full. "wuuuUh!"
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