I'd gotten mine several days ago (I ordered one even though I'm probably not going to be getting a Nihonken this time around) -- and it's one of the nicer dog calendars I've EVER seen -- heck, it's one of the nicer calendars period. Not just the pictures of the dogs, but the whole package is done very professionally. I never got the background on who produces your calendars (other than I know we voted on the pictures here on the forum), but it's just a very high quality production. Congratulations!
Tara & Beth (tjbart17 and calia) arranged the NihonKen and Shiba calendars, respectively. It took a fair amount of time for them to arrange the images. Both went above and beyond by adding Quotes, Names, Breeds, etc. CafePress actually did the printing - I've had several items through them - they've all been pretty nice.
I could not have asked for better looking calendars - they've set a high standard for 2011's version, that's for sure!
My husband spotted my Kuma right away on the cover of the calendar (oh the cute puppy days, miss them!).
I could not have asked for better looking calendars - they've set a high standard for 2011's version, that's for sure!