Shousei in the snow pics



  • edited November -1
    Mmm, he isn't bad after all, must be an Akita inu, they seems to be friendly :-)
  • edited November -1
    Beautiful pictures -- beautiful subjects! Thanks for sharing the pictures--- they are amazing!
  • edited November -1
    He's just 4.5 months now so many more will follow :-) Thanks for your message, we will keep up the good work! If you like the photography, check out the lead about dogography, started by BRADA. There we share our ideas about dog Photography.
  • edited November -1
    Shousei, today 4.5 months, posing in the late afternoon sun.
  • edited November -1
    My wife loves Reno & Rico' s Harness's where did you get them?
  • edited November -1
    They were made in the Netherlands. I even used them in the car attached to the safety belts. I would have to ask if they are still available, but guess yes. Don't know if they have a website so you could look for one.
    Thanks for adding me to your facebook. I checked it out, you have some very nice photo's on there, so it would be good to post some on the lead dogography. I also started a lead for shikoku video's, and since your 5000D has video, please post some stuff from Koshi! Your other two dogs, are they both shiba's? One seems to be very big, but they are very good looking!
  • edited November -1
    Shousei in the middle of the night during snowfall. It was cold and snowing but also full moon. Due to some color hues from the street lights I turned the picture in Bl/Wh.
  • edited November -1
    COOOOOL shot Nico! ...Yes, my other two pups are shibas. Levi is a male sesame, he weighs 27 lbs & Gin is the red female, shes about 20 lbs. The three pups get along great now!! I"ll try to post a few new shots and maybe a video.
  • edited November -1
    Wow, if Levi is 27 Lbs, he is the size of Shousei right now. Do you have a recent picture of all three together? Today we went out in the "forest" (what we don't relly have anymore in our country besides some small areas) with lots of fresh snow. And, where we normally let Reno and Rico walk free now we released Shousei as well. In one word: Fantastic!!! He loves to run along Reno, who is much faster, obviously, with his long legs. Both Reno/Rico are very big Husky's, Rico is so strong, he almost looks like a Alaskan Malamute. So a small pup in the snow is now competition, even they are 11 years, 7 months old now. Rico was even chasing a rabit, but we could hold Shousei back from participating. Rico returned, something he wouldn't have done, 5 or so years ago. I took many pics today in Servo, so continues autofocus with the 200mm lens. The lens is very fast, but not always fast enough. Still downloading some over 300 images. There must be a bunch of good ones, hopefully also some action shots. Now Shousei is stretched out on the sofa recovering his energy. Could you believe a Shikoku pup could run out of energy?
  • edited November -1
    So once in a while you take a picture where all seems to be perfect, even the position of the dog, the light, sharpness, the snow, just everything. I think this is one of those moments… Not difficult to take, just everything is okay at the right moment. I love the background blur, so he is really isolated.
  • edited November -1
    Great pictures! I love to watch as puppies turn into mature dogs, their proportions never grow in the same ratio.
  • edited November -1
    You are right, although, with the last pic big part of his legs are underneath the snow :-) But he is still getting longer, now we need a bit of height ;-)
  • edited November -1
    Love the last picture....I don't get much pictures of Kekko with his tail down, he just almost never lets it down. Very nice.....your pictures Nico are truly just fantastic to look at :)
  • edited November -1
    Hey Tiny, I guess you got plenty of snow too, right? It was so much fun to see Shousei play and run with the Husky boys. Shousei has his tail up too, most of the time, just now he might have been a bit tired running through the deeps snow. Now he looks like a professional coyote :-)
    Here is one more of him, playing in the snow with Reno. Just look at his funny face, while he is trying to tease Reno who then gives him a bit of a body slam.
  • edited November -1
    Yes we have enormous amount of snow this year....the dogs have kind of running tracks in the back yard, where they do a daily snow rally :)) The snow is so deep, that running outside the tracks is just jumping up and down...its really funny :). It even hard to get any most of the dog is under the snow all the time. If they do their morning walking around the yard, from the window all i can see is the tails and sometimes ears showing between snowpiles :))
    Its great to see your boys are getting along now, it is just fun to watch them play. Shousei looks really nice and he has grown so much. Are you planning to come to Herning WDS in summer? I'm thinking of going, would love to meet you guys also there :)
  • edited January 2010
    Not so much snow here, it's on and off. But where we live sometimes we get like 10-20 cms (4-8 Inches). Unfortunately not more, it would make great pictures. Like this one, Shousei always play, the boys kind of play to avoid him, which gives great photo's.
    Yes, we are planning to attend to WDS in Danmark, so I hope we can meet up there. Will you compete again with Kekko? It depends a bit if Shousei like to show, but we hope he will. So then he is old enough to enter the puppy arena. He develops very well. Most of the playing is done outside, inside there is still not so much going on. Will you be bringing the husky's to Danmark too?
  • edited November -1
    If everything goes as planned I will enter Kekko and also 2 huskies to WDS. Kekko has been great at shows, so we intend to continue. We plan to travel to Norway after the WDS to have a week of vacation there, so dogs will have great time :)
  • edited November -1
    To Norway, wow, very nice. But they have like very strict regulations, like all kinds of vaccinations, special blood research to prove enough antibodies and more hurdles to take. Pretty expensive hobby, although I would love to do the same. It's a beautiful country, very expensive but definitely worth visiting. Well, we will bring the camera's so we can take some nice pics from Kekko and the husky's. But no final plans yet…
  • edited November -1
    About the strict rules....last time we were in Sweden, where the test for rabies antibodies is required, we did all the blood tests for the dogs and nobody even looked at the dogs passports.... I just have to do it anyway, just in case. We have to travel through Sweden again when coming to Denmark.
    Would be nice to see more Shikokus at the show :)
  • edited November -1
    Stina, I'm still thinking on taking the gamble and just go without all those funny research and papers. Like using the short ferry from helsingör to helsingborg. It only takes 20 minutes. I guess there will not be so much control since there is lots of traffic going on that line. From there just drive to Göteborg and towards Norway. I don't think much could happen. In the worst case they can send you back…
  • edited November -1
    Little guy, lost in the snow… Where are Rico and Reno?
  • edited November -1
    Looks like he is growing up so fast.
  • edited November -1
    Maybe too fast? He is doing really fine, he needs a bit more hight, but his length seems to be seriously longer compared to one month ago. Also his behaviour is maturing fast. Just with other dogs, he always jumps on their backs, no matter what size, age or breed. That is pretty annoying. Last night he ran away to an other dog and I could not really approach him since I had the other two dogs with me too. Is was very scarry, you never know what the other guy will do.
  • edited November -1
    hehe, looks like Shousei is behaving like a real Shikoku :)). Kekko does the same with other dogs. So I actually never walk him off leash, just to avoid problems. How tall is Shousei already?
  • edited November -1
    Right now, Shousei is 45,5 cm (17.9") high. He is 47 cm (18.5") long. Don't know about high weight right now, but guess around 13 kgs or so.
  • edited November -1
    I love this picture of him too, he admires the snow, like he's a husky!
  • edited November -1
    Awww...I need to take Shoushuu and Kotomi to see snow. They've never seen this white fluff, so I'm curious to found out how they'll react to it. I think I have until March before all the snow melts.

    Don't stop with the Snow pics, keep posting away! Your camera works great and you have 3 beautiful models to continue capturing.
  • edited November -1
    Shousei probably thinks he is a husky :p [ he's cuter then husky tho ] ~
  • edited November -1
    Well, the snow is kind of melting away right now, so lets hope for some more. But maybe in one week or so, right now no time to do more photo shoots with the models. Maybe I have more to post in some days.
  • edited November -1
    the snow is gone, some last moments :-(
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