RAW Diet Recipes



  • edited November -1
    I buy my meat exclusively from the grocery store and the butcher but it is still cheaper than kibble :) I don't do pre-made because there's a big risk of gluten contamination (Akira is intolerant), I can't even buy him pre-made patties because he's sick when he eats them. So I prefer to stay with human-grade food and RAW is not that complicated either :)
  • edited November -1
    I was just reading a website about give dogs Salmon Oil as a supplement. From what Ive found so far people are all over the place with their opinions of feeding raw fish. If salmon oil is even to the dog would raw fish still need to be fed or would the oil replace the need for raw fish?
    What are your opinions on raw fish?
  • edited November -1
    I'm going to get into raw I'm going to follow prey model raw diet I plan to order some stuff from haretoday soon I'll start Saya on chicken sometime next week.

    I've seen other forum members on another site that gives their dog whole talapia or fish heads like trout or salmon. Even if you give fish oil you could still try some fish if your dog likes to eat it can be an treat every so often though some dogs might not like it I know some dogs rather roll on the fish than to eat it. lol

    Saya loves to eat can sardines, can salmon, and smelt I got her some frozen smelt and she eats it ok I had to cut it up at first, but the second one she ate with no problem.

    I'd freeze the fish before serving it since the fish might have parasites in it especially salmon I forgot the type I think 30 days or something like that I forgot how long..

    Last week I had given Saya a Denver Lamb rib and she ate the meat and chewed the bone up pretty good I to hold it since it was her first RMB plus it wasn't a big rib, but she handled it well and she digested the bone pretty good too.

    If you decide to do premade raw be sure to provide some RMB too provides a good dental workout. =)

    When first starting raw out take it slow then add variety and since raw is more higher valued than kibble just watch out for food guarding etc.

    I plan to feed Saya by hand for her first month of raw feeding she's never been much into food guarding or anything like that and she was fine with my holding the lamb bone, but I just want to be sure and once she is full on raw I plan to work on training on trading too.

    Good luck MirkoAi with raw I'm a newbie in it too, but I think I'm finally ready to take the plunge with it I can't wait till next week to stock up on chicken and other things.

    Here's a pic of Saya enjoying her rib. =)
  • edited November -1
    I got this pamphlet from the Monterey Bay Aquarium here in California. It has all the "safe" fish to eat on it. I only feed Koda fish from this list because I only eat fish from this list. Here is their website
  • edited November -1
    Yeah, there is something about salmon in particular, but now I can't remember what it is....but you're not supposed to give them salmon that hasn't been frozen (I think 30 days too, but am not sure). I guess if you gave them a lot of fish you might not need the fish oil? I just give it to them to keep their coats in good shape, and because it is easier for me than buying fish. (I do give them canned fish sometimes, or if I find cheap fish on sale. They are crazy for sardines and mackeral).

    Love the the pic of Saya with the bone! I stopped giving my guys lamb, even though they loved it, because it gave them the worst doggy gas ever....I couldn't stand it. Maybe after they got used to it would have stopped, but I couldn't stand the adjustment phase!
  • edited November -1
    Salmon from the Pacific Ocean has some sort of bacteria on it that is supposed to be dangerous for dogs.
  • edited November -1
    It's not a bacteria -- it's a fluke inside a parasite inside wild salmon off the Pacific coast from California to Alaska that makes it poisonous to dogs in particular. Atlantic coast salmon does not have this fluke. Canned salmon is of course OK because it's cooked. Very cooked. Trout in many western waters may have the same fluke/parasite, and I wouldn't feed it raw, either.
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