Inu Chicken Time Video 08/17



  • He looks GORGEOUS Jessika! I'm super jealous :p ~
  • Simply beautiful :) He looks soo handsome!
  • edited August 2010
    Love the photos! I like the one especially where he is laying behind the pine and giving a sideways backwards glance to the camera!

    And that he puked all the way up! Sachi and me and my husband (and Kuma) went hiking the other day (45 min drive) and Sachi was in here crate and puked a lot too both ways!. Kuma had grown out of it by this age...guess not for these litter mates though!

    I need to get Sachi photos again, they have changed so much....Sachi is now is in proestrus (bleed before the heat)...time flies!

    PS - Sachi is only slightly lighter in color that Inu. Funny how that changed.
  • Beautiful! :) He definitely has started to fill out!
  • He's looking very good, and I'm not just being nice. Hopefully as he matures his chest will fill in more and he'll be even more stunning.
  • He is really beautiful! :D he's grown up so much, finally some more Inu spam!! :P
  • edited August 2010
    Here is a vid of "Chicken Time" with Inu, Eeyore and Frannie. It is kinda on the dark side :( but you get the jist. Seinfeld was on, that is why I was laughing.

  • @tjbart17: LOL! Party dog! It would be awesome if dogs could party with us! How fun that would be!
  • Wow. I can't believe how calm they are. Nice job!
  • I think Inu has some of the best markings I have seen so far on a kurogoma Shikoku. He's going to mature really nice.
  • He is maturing quickly and into a very strikingly handsome Shikoku boy!
  • edited August 2010
    Dave - I wanna say that Shikoku boys tend to be on the "calmer" side. I guess I'll find out with the upcoming of my next Shikoku male. They are CRAZY as pups though.

    Jessika - Seems like you've notice this change in Inu?
  • edited August 2010
    I'm kind of late in responding to this, but love the video....they are amazing in how calm they are!

    And Inu is really one of the most strikingly beautiful dogs I've ever seen!

    eta: re following....Oskar mostly doesn't (thankfully as it annoys me) but he always tries to follow me in the bathroom, and scratches on the door if I'm in there (a trick he learned from the Shibas). I think it's just because he loves water and already made the water/bathroom connection!
  • My flash was all messed up so I couldn't watch this earlier. It was killing me. This is a really cute vid. Inu is amazing!
  • Thank you everyone! Inu's been trained to sit back and wait for treats. The cats on the other hand will start to climb all over me if I don't hand another piece out, they're animals. LOL!

    Corina, yes Inu has calmed down, indoors. :)
  • edited January 2011
  • edited January 2011
  • Wow, Inu has grown into such a handsome man...I really like the head shot after the Koshi pics
  • hehe, I had to move it to a new thread cause I couldn't change the old thread title. Thanks, we think so too! :D
  • You couldn't?
  • I had the same issue with trying to change an old title. This is what I did:

    Went to the discussion list and dragged the mouse to the right of the thread title...options came up and when I clicked on it edit pops up underneath. After clicking edit, it takes me to a page that says "You don't have permission"
  • @Calia, Yeah your right! Same here. And the edit button within the discussion goes back only so far.
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