New Kid

edited March 2010 in Kai Ken (甲斐犬)
hello my name is marcus im new here, brad told me i should be a memeber of this forum being that im am interested in kai ken dogs. i plan to get one once i have completed college wich will be some years down the road. My last dog was a bluetick beagle but sadly it died back in 2007 when my pops ran over the poor guy. i have researched many breeds since then so that one day i can get another dog. Recently the kai ken has cought my eye. i have been looking for a dog bigger than my last one but not a dogzilla. i also like the fact that kai ken are loyal and protective of there owners, it surprized me that kai are still used as gaurd dogs and for hunting wild game, from what i read thats what they were bred for. Hopefully one day i will be the proud owner of a "tiger dog"


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