Top 5 Non-NK Breeds

edited April 2010 in General
Thought this would be fun :)

We use to have a thread like this waaaay back, so thought I'd resurrect it :p

Please list the top 5 non-nihon ken breeds you would consider owning :) [ you can also include pics ;p ]

& yes only five!!! Have fun!~


  • edited November -1
    Karelian Bear dog
    Plott hound
    Jaged terrier
    Black and Tan coon hound
    Dogo Argentino
  • edited November -1
    Right now the one breed that's at or near the top of my list is an English/American Pointer.

    I've listed a few others in past threads on this topic like Weimaraner and Rottweiler. But, to be honest, I can't really see much past my next dog or two so my list of non NK breeds is pretty short.
  • edited November -1
    haha You can also list the breeds that you like, but wouldn't necessarily own Dave :) ~
  • edited November -1
    I have just a couple. One of my uncles new Rott import's puppies and a CC
  • edited November -1
    hmm...I haven't really thought about that for a while...xD

    German Shepherd
    Doberman Pinscher
    Border Collie
    Karelian Bear Dog
  • edited November -1
    I LOVE Beaucerons! Our lists are pretty similar Red.


    - Dutch Shepherd
    - German Shepherd
    - Beauceron
    - Border Collie
    - Mallinois ~
  • edited November -1
    Hmmm, this is a hard one since there are so many great breeds out there.

    Siberian Husky (obviously, I'd get another in a heartbeat)

    Can't remember what else, but I'll add them on when I can remember:)
  • edited November -1
    Pit Bull (always will have one, life has a big hole in it without one)
    Dogue de Bordeaux
    Neopolitan Mastiff
  • edited April 2010
    Ok, I can play...

    1 - Tosa Inu (I know, from Japan)
    2 - South African Boerboel
    3 - Tobet (Kazakhstan version of the Central Asian Shepard)
    4 - Russo-European Laika
    5 - Neopolitan Mastiff

  • edited November -1
    - labradors and lab mixes
    - lurchers
    - irish wolfhounds
    - various mastiff-types
    - rottweillers

    Some of these I cannot really have, but I am drawn to them and imagine someday post-Sage what dog I would like to live with. I'd like a large, cold-weather-tolerant dog that likes daily morning hikes in the woods, good naps in the studio, and play in the afternoon/evenings. A big, laid back dog that likes to do stuff and doesnt worry too much. If it comes in brindle, even better!

    I am sure I am forgetting many others I like a lot...
  • aykayk
    edited April 2010

    Slightly bigger than a Jindo but known to be a little less sharp towards other dogs.

    -Portuguese Podengo, Grande
    I met one at an ARBA show and liked the functionality and aloofness of the dog. Not too big and not too small. Very lithe. Would be nice to have a wire-hair for a change.

    Preference towards one that is within 3 generations of being desert-bred.

    -Australian Shepherd
  • edited November -1
    What Jess, no CO??!!?? :o(

    Could I have listed breeds I already have? If so, I would fill my house with COs. LOL

  • edited November -1
    I love CO's. That is actually why I listed Leonberger. Looks like a CO but doesn't need so much land or a job the way a CO does. I have too many guests to be a CO mama. I will just covet yours. And pray that I will be Luytiys secret favorite....
  • edited November -1
    Brad, you are ABOUT to fill your house with COs! :)
  • edited November -1
    canaan dog
    wire-haired fox terrier
  • edited November -1
    Yes, you can list breeds you already own :p ~
  • edited April 2010
    I wonder if Basenjis would come up a lot among Shiba people....They're kind of similar. I sometimes think of them as the tropical version :lol: ..(though they sound even more difficult than Shibas!)

    I looked at my list and see that greyhound aside, I tend to like dogs that are kind of a pain in the ass....:lol: I wanted to put a Dingo on there too--but do they count given that they're not domesticated? Oh, and New Guinea singing dog!

    And I totally cheated by going with more than five....and then adding even more to that! :)
  • edited November -1
    Norwegian Elkhound
    Giant Schnauzer
    Bernese Mountain Dog
  • edited November -1
    OH NO! Another for me to add! I LOVE Norwegian Elkhounds! My best, smartest dog ever, that I had as a teenager, was a Norwegian Elkhound! She learned to climb a ladder by herself, and was super smart and charming and stubborn as hell.
  • edited April 2010
    Border Collie
    Dalmatian (Liver spotted)
    Rhodesian Ridgeback
  • edited November -1
    Oh, elkhounds are so very soft! and actually, the ONE dog in Sage's agility class that he could be perfectly calm next to was the Elkhound, a female named Lickity. She was placid and so non-confrontational.
  • edited November -1
    Jagd Terrier
    Karafuto (Japanese breed yes, but they're extinct)
    Dogo Argentino
  • edited November -1

    Siberian Husky
    West Siberian Laika
    Doberman Pinscher
    German Shorthair Pointer
    and Jamthund
  • edited November -1
    Chrystal - so true, we are about to fill our house with COs... Be careful what you wish for, huh? LOL
  • edited November -1
    I thought of another one african ridgeback if I get back into running

    and yeah for the Neapolitan mastiff. That's where I'm from. Love them!
  • edited November -1
    Finnish Lapphund
    Norwegian Elkhound
    Finnish Spitz
    Belgian Shepherd
    Rhodesian Ridgeback
  • edited November -1
  • edited November -1
    Oh man...only five?! I always end up with favorites but I know when it comes down to new dog time I'll find a soft spot for a dog that needs help even if it's not on the list. lol I really do want an akita someday though. That's my perma-#1. Also, I don't know a lot about uncommon breeds so forgive if these are plain compared to yours.

    In no particular order or freaking adorableness (there are other reasons of course but this is a simple one)!

    Malamute (freaking so adorable)
    Harlequin Great Dane (freaking giant adorable cowspot dog)
    Giant Schnauzer (sturdy, smart, and with freaking adorable mustaches/beards)
    Cane Corso (I've fallen in love with Blue...he's freaking adorable)
    Irish Wolfhound (I don't even need to say it)

    There are so many but these are the first to come to mind so they get to be on the list.

    My husband's list would probably be something like:
    -Really lazy husky
    -Whatever my wife falls in love with and makes me fall in love with
  • edited November -1
    1) Brooklyn Tennis Ball Retriever *
    2) GSD
    3) Schipperke
    4) Husky
    5) Samoyed

    These at least, the ones that I have some direct experience with friend's dogs if not my own. If I was including interesting dogs I have never had prolonged contact with I might insert some fascinating breeds I know of, but don't really know, like Malamutes, Laikas, Catahoula Leopard dogs, and many others.

    *AKA mutt
  • edited November -1
    This is rather hard for me... As I am still learning about a lot of different breeds... So this list will probably change on a weekly basis...

    1 - Malinois
    2 - Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
    3 - Malamute
    4 - Canaan Dog
    5 - Belgian Sheepdog or Maybe a Norwegian Buhund
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