American Akita Puppy Colours question!

I have been told that all AA are born black and white but they do not stay this colour. Now how do I know when I go to choose the puppy in a month or so time will I know what to look for i.e. any tell tale signs of what colour he will be or at what age will you see the colour the coat is going to be?

Also if both parents have very little colouring on them i.e. mostly tan/brown and not much white does this mean that there will not be much of a colour variation with the puppies? Or is it just pot luck?

Many thanks again for any answers!!


  • aykayk
    edited April 2010
    Not all AA are born black and white, and not all pups will resemble their parents as the parents may carry recessive color genes.

    The white pattern will nearly be the same from birth to adult, but any non-white color may change as they grow older.

    The AA is one of the breeds where the saying "No good dog is a bad color" applies. Meaning, there are other things that should take priority over color such as health and temperament.

    edit: had to fix the quote
  • edited November -1
    "there are other things that should take priority over color such as health and temperament."

    I'll second that. Color is about the last thing I'd be looking for when selecting a puppy. We actually had a good discussion about this not too long ago: "How would you pick a puppy out of a litter?". I hope that's helpful for you.
  • edited November -1
    Many thanks for your information but please do not think for one minute I will or was going to base my decision on colour :o) I have done and am still doing a lot of research into these dogs and colour was just a bit of a grey area that I had heard so much conflicting information about. I will take a look at the discussion you mention above too as all information helps.

    Thanks again
  • edited November -1
    Hi my Akita pup was born jet black and white, and stayed that way till 5 weeks of age, by the time we got her she had lightened up considerably,shes now 9 weeks old and all of the black on her back and sides has turned a gray colour, her white underbelly and legs have stayed the same and her face has a black mask appareance. i was expecting her to lighten up as both the mother and father were grey/white and black in colouring.
  • edited November -1
    In the book Akita: Treasure of Japan, it says that the masks stay and the white stays and the other colors lighten up. (pretty much exactly what Ayk said, come to think of it). Oskar was a nice dark gray in pics at 4 weeks old. When we got him, the breeder said he was "fawn and white" which puzzled me because I see him as grey and white. However, now that he's 10 weeks, his grey has lightened up considerably, and there is more fawn creeping in. I'd love it if he stayed gray and white, but I don'tknow that he will.....(of course it doesn't matter, but his light gray is very nice)

    It's interesting seeing the way the colors develop: in pics at 4 weeks, I thought two of the pups were black....but when I saw them in person, I realized they were brindle, one a dark brindle and one a much lighter brindle. Partially brindling doesn't show up well in photos, but also, the colors developed a lot in 4 weeks...
  • edited November -1
    yes its cool to see them change week by week. I really love kais colouring (not that it matters) i havent seen many akitas were i live with her grey and white apperance,iv seen mostly fawn and white.
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