My german shepherd Vega

I enjoy all the Nihon Ken talk, but I thought I'd also introduce my german shepherd Vega.

She's a very sensitive dog, and does good with obedience, tracking and we are also starting defencework, which is coming along nicely. She's 3 yo and a very sweet girl.



  • edited November -1
    Vega is beautiful! I love the big ears of the Shepard! Thanks for the pics!
  • edited November -1
    Thanks, I think she is too :o)
    She does have one bad habit though - small fluffy dogs are CHEWTOYS! Woops! XD The nabours have a westie and she doesn't particularly enjoy meeting Vega ;o)
  • edited November -1
    Awwww, she's gorgeous! I have a soft spot for GSD's. :) ~
  • edited November -1
    What a pretty lady, nice pictures.
  • edited November -1
    She is gorgeous! I love GSD's. :)
  • edited November -1
    Cute dog!
  • edited November -1
    Great pictures, gorgeous dog!
  • I just realized that in just 2 months Vega will turn 5 years old. It's amazing how time flies! I still sort of think of her as a pup, but well... she's not anymore! LOL

    She belongs to my father now, she sort of adobted him, and she seems unhappy without him, so she made that decision all on her own. Guess I had it coming since my parents took care of her while I was at school summer '08 till summer '10 ;)

    She's still my baby though and even though she is my father's dog, I'm still the one she obeys the most. It's kinda funny, but it also makes sense, since I'm the only one who ever actually trainer her...



  • Wow vega is a beaut! That frog had no chance...
  • Haha, no it did not! It's almost totally shredded at this point and I can't find a replacement... She has never loved a toy as much as this frog ;)
  • Vega is a very beautiful GSD. She has really nice markings...I love her two spots (dimples :) ) on the sides of her cheeks
  • Yeah I love her dimples too. She also has a small white spot on her chest, though it's not clearly visible ;) And she's the sweetest GSD I've ever met. She is the worst guarddog ever - doesn't bark at cars driving into the parking lot or people coming in the door. LOL
  • Vega is very pretty! I have to echo @ttddinh here - her dimples are so adorable!
  • She's gorgeous!
  • Thanks :) She's a doll!
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