Kai nail trimming?

Boy is that a breath of fresh air!

I trimmed Tyson's nails for the first time yesterday, and he was AWESOME about it. He squirmed a little bit when I first started because he didn't know what I was doing. Once I trimmed the first two nails it was like "Oh, that's what you're doing. Go ahead." He just sat their patiently while I finished. I trimmed a bit too close to the quik on one nail and to my surprise...no scream! He licked it for a few seconds, then let me continue without a fuss.

Compared to my Shibas it was amazing! I don't even bother trimming Joey's nails anymore because he screams so loud the neighbors think I'm killing him and I hate when he expresses his anal glands (often all over me). I take him to the vet or a groomer for it now.

So, how are your Kai with nail trimming? As good as Ty?


  • edited November -1
    So glad Tyson does well with trimming I don't have a kai ken sorry just wanted to comment.. =)

    Saya does well with her trimming actually no screaming or fighting about it she sits there lets me do it.

    She gets a treat for each paw is trimmed Saya is an odd shiba.. lol
  • edited November -1
    I trim the kids nails when they are very very tired. Usually after a long day of hiking. For the most part, they are great. I caught Koda one time to close to the quik and he is a little wary of me. He intently watches me. All in all they do really well. I'm really surprised that Maymay lets me after all the abuse she suffered. She just crawls right in my lap for it.
  • edited November -1
    Holy wow... Can I trade my two Shibas for your two Kais, Tara?

    I think you need to experience the Shiba scream to know how well you have it with nail trims! :)
  • edited November -1
    If half-Kais count, then hear this: for all his vigilant, reactive personality Sage is my second easiest pet to trim claws. Only my oldest cat is easier- she just lays there. Reilly needs to be held firmly and takes two adults to trim, my 11 year old with some treats and i can trim Sage's claws with no holding necessary. He trusts his Mama.
  • edited November -1
    Casey, Koda's best friend who is only four days older than him is a Shiba. I have heard the scream. lololol. It's pretty intimidating. Koda does scream during baths. He hates them. But it might be because he fell in my parent's pool at 10 weeks old. That was pretty scary for him. He does fine with the groomer though. He loves him.
  • edited November -1
    Haru's never had a problem with nail trims. She doesn't like her paws being touched that much though.
  • edited November -1
    Isn't it possible to teach the dog to relax during nail trims? If you train early? I realise you cannot trim their nails unless they need it, but pick up paws and like grab the nail briefly and reward them?

    My shepherd was never trimmed regularly when she was a pup since we lived in the city and she wore her nails down walking on the pavement, but now that she's older and lives on a farm, she needs the trims, and it's like murdering her (in her opinion)! She's a big-ass shepherd and it's actually quite a task to get it done. One is holding and comforting and the other trimming, but she still sobs like a little baby. No screaming though, it's not in her nature I guess, she just sounds like we are thumping her with a big log or something...
  • edited November -1
    Josephine gets her nails trimmed at a vet up near our farm. She is not so excited about any vet office , either here in town or up north (this started after she was spayed and had to stay overnight one night... abandonment anxiety, I think). But she is quite docile for the trimming, no screaming or barking is heard, and she is well-rewarded by the vet techs (both in treats, and praise to us and her). We tried trimming her nails at home once, but neither my husband nor I are comfortable with the cutting tools so we leave it to the professionals. (The best part is the trimming at that office is handled well and they do it for $10/which includes the taxes!)...
  • edited November -1
    "Isn't it possible to teach the dog to relax during nail trims? If you train early?"

    In theory you can modify some behavior associated with nail trimming, but some dogs just hate to have their feet touched and it is apparent from the time they are really young (like 1 or 2 weeks old). With those dogs, there's only so much you can do to make trimming easier.
  • edited November -1
    I have heard that Pugs are one of the worst at nail trimming and that with some no matter what it's difficult for someone who is not trained.

    Koda also hates the vet since his neuter. But I have heard that he does better when I leave him. I think I babied him too much. He looks to me to save him from any harm.
  • edited November -1
    Tyson is the only Kai we've had that has been good with nail trims. You got lucky, Dave!

    Kona, Mochi, and Kumi are freaking horrible about nail trims!

    We tried sooooooooo hard with Mochi to get her to tolerate nail trims. We started classical conditioning at 8 weeks old with her and nail trims and at around 6 months she stopped tolerating it - no matter how much yummy stuff you stick in her mouth.

  • edited November -1
    Dave >> Okay :o) I've only ever had one dog myself, so not much experience in that department ;o) Hope my future kais will be easier than my GSD then. LOL
  • edited November -1
    I started buying raw patties (Stella & Chewy's) to stimulate Ichi's appetite in the mornings. After his morning walk, I thaw out a couple of patties and we use the Pedi-paws to grind his feet a bit. It took me upwards of about 4 weeks daily but I'm able to grind his nails (except for the dew claws) with the Pedi paws. I love it because the daily grinding is something he's come to expect and he knows what I want to do. I usually just stick to a second or two per nail. He still hates having his paws touched but I've been able to whittle it down so it's somewhat mitigated now.

  • edited November -1
    Oh my! my cousin's pug freaks out when it's nail trimming time not fun to hear her. lol
  • edited November -1
    Oh the pedi paws wreaks havoc on Koda and Maymay. They flipped out when my girlfriend brought one out. It was all bad!
  • edited November -1
    The other alternative is to do A LOT of walking with your dog. To be honest I can't remember the last time I had to trim my dogs' nails.
  • edited November -1
    Yeah me too, I just let the dogs run around on concrete and it just naturally keeps the nails trimmed. I have trimmed Riki's nails once in the last 15 years.
  • edited November -1
    The pedi paws work great for Sevuk. He'll just lay down on my stomach and let me do his nails. He used to freak out when we would bring out the nail clipper, so this helps a lot.
  • edited November -1
    Maybe I should try this pedi paws on my GSD. She might accept that better than the trimming. She runs in the woods all day long and is nowhere near concrete, so natural wear is not an option :o(
  • edited November -1
    I know someone on the forum trained their dogs to scratch at sandpaper on a board. Don't remember who it was or if they're still active though.
  • edited November -1

    (From this thread)

    Jack's nails stay naturally short due to our slate tile floors. We have used a dremel before, and I would recommend it. Much like the pedi-paw, but more durable and more control. Here is a great site that explains how to dremel your dog's nails.
  • edited November -1
    Odd that everyone has a problem with trimming the nails of the Kai. I have had as many as 25 Kai at a time and all have had their mails trimmed on a basis of when needed. I trim with nail clippers when they are puppies and until they are 4 months or more old and then I go to the Dremel grinder. The Kai go up on a grooming table where they are at my level to trim. I allow them to sit while in the grooming noose and proceed to sand the nails down with the grinder. If one starts to fight it, I let them figure out that they will fall off the table if they fight to hard and the end results is, the paw will still be taken up and the nail bed spread and trimmed. I usually trim one front, then a rear, back to the front and then the last rear, but if I have a Kai that is a problem, I start them out with one foot at a time. Once the foot is in my hand, it is my foot until I am done. They can be mad all they want, struggle all they want and scream. I just gently but firmly hold onto the foot and finish the job little by little. Once the Kai learn that it doesn't do them any good to fight me, they learn to accept and then trust me. I have showed around 50 to their Champion titles and around 20+ to their Grands and all have had short trimmed nails. Works with my Shiba also!

    Classy Kennel, MI
  • edited November -1
    Ife has sometimes problems when trimming nails. Lately last week but I think she had only too much energy and she had to dismantle it somewhere. She growls, struggles and even nabs. Then we just sit down minute or two and she let's me cut her nails very nicely. We just sit and be quiet. She has these scenes in periods :D. Well, she is a woman :D.

    Our Schipperkes are little nightmares! They bite, scream and struggle very hard. It might take 10 minutes to clip ones nails but I haven't never gave up. My doesn't see well to clip their nails so that's why I'm doing it. To be honest in any case Schipperkes are nightmarish compared to Kais (even thought we have had Schips eight years and Kai only one :D).
  • Kaito Tyson's brother is a dream to cut nails no problems at all and he seems not to mind it at all.
    Mai Tai is even better she lets me paint her nails too and her only complaint is the smell of the nail polish so I give her something smelly to eat (a smoked pig's ear or Kong with some meat or cheese in it) while I paint them.
    Kailee Kona's sister is the opposite and I have had to hold her while I pay a groomer to cut them for me. When she was young it was easier I don't know what happened, she screams and fights everytime we try, I get so nervious. But don't get me wrong we are still trying to find a good way and are hoping that Kaito and Mai Tai will not learn from her.

    Sometimes I wonder if Kaito amd Mai Tai are so good at it because when I had the neighbor kids take them to puppy class they learned about puppy massages and give them one at least one or two times a week if not more and they sure did a great job of touching the puppies everywhere in a comfortable playfull manner that the puppies enjoyed.
  • I seem to have spoken too soon on this. Last week's nail trimming was hectic to say the least. :-(
  • My dog's nails are getting longer. Looks like I may have to trim soon. I usually see it as a sign that I'm not getting them out enough.
  • Goro has raptor claws right now and he knows how to use them! What trimmer works best for the Kai, since they hate nail trimming?
  • I hate nail trimming, and wonder about the dremel. Is it easier? And the problem is not just the dogs (though that is part of the problem) but me: it freaks me out to cut their nails and I always worry I'm going to cut the quick, and honestly, I'm not sure if I'll be able to do my Kai Ken's nails at all, because they are black and I can't even see the quick!

    Maybe a dremel would be easier?
  • My Kai is not difficult to trim or dremel and neither are the Shibas, but I think the dremel and a grooming table help so much. But dang, Kai nails are really thick. I would use a dremel.
  • Sosuke's the easiest of any dog I've ever owned in terms of nail trimming. He does require treats to sit still sometimes, but he's not too bad. I should probably look into a grooming table-like set-up, which I'm sure would help. I've heard that some people use chest freezers as grooming tables, so I might try that.

    I don't trim their nails all that often, though. I trim Sosuke's just so that he's used to it, really. In fact, when I do trim his nails I can only take little teensy snippets off because they're already pretty short. Rakka's such a pain in the butt that I don't unless they really are too long.

    But you know what I like to say? I love the sound of dog nails on concrete during a walk or bike ride. It's the sound of me NOT having to trim their nails!
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