Shikoku (females?) and human towels?

edited July 2010 in General
Well I know Brad posted a video of Ahi (or Loa?) or maybe both being funny and rolling around on the floor on towels. Almost like they were scent marking the towels by rubbing their cheeks on it.

Well, my male NEVER showed any interest in human towels (used or clean). But my female....well....she loves to do the same thing Brad's female(s) do to towels, especially if you have just gotten out of the shower and drop the towel on the floor.

Really funny to watch. She will do it as long as you let her....

Any other Shikoku owners notice this strange behavior?


  • edited November -1
    Miko LOVES towels and laundry. She rolls and rubs to her hearts content. It is hilarious.
  • edited November -1
    Ours love dish towels, and dryer sheets too. lol
  • edited November -1
    Actually, Jess, that reminded me that Sachi likes laundry (dirty) too! And she also loves to lick the inside of Dan's work boots when he takes them off (like Miko does!).

    So is it just a female thing? As I said, my male shows no interest in these things :-)
  • edited November -1
    Miko loves to lick the inside of leather shoes. But only leather.
  • edited November -1
    I'm going to add that my female Kai does the same thing. She rolls around in towels and clothes. She will also rub her face on dish towels hanging on the front of the oven. She totally gets off on it. It's hilarious to watch her.
  • edited November -1
    My male Shiba rubs his face into the carpet after eating.

  • edited November -1
    My male shiba loves to roll on towels, scarfs and if we're not careful enough our pillows and our hair!
  • edited November -1
    My two female Shibas love to rub on used towels, dirty laundry (clean just does not appeal to them), our pillows, and dryer sheets.

    Dryer sheets are apparently the greatest invention in the world... According to Bella and Nola. :)
  • edited November -1
    Koshi is waits outside the shower every morning in anticipation of "the damp towel" It's become a morning ritual here , she totally loves to roll around in it!! Dry towels don't seem to do it for her , she wants it slightly wet! The shibas really have no interest just Koshi .
  • edited November -1
    ....females are weird... ;-)

    Well, I don't use dryer sheets, but it looks like many of our (mainly) female dogs like wet towels, dirty laundry, and stinky leather work boots

    How funny dogs are!
  • edited November -1
    Ha ha ha I got new dryer sheets, lavendar smelling, and Maymay was smelling and rubbing her face on my pants this morning for about five minutes before I had to stop her. What a total geak! I love that crazy little girl.
  • edited November -1
    Yep, my female Shiba does this too, and like some others have noticed, clean clothes do not appeal to her. But dirty clothes, old shoes, towels if they are dirty are all quite appealing to her.

    Toby doesn't care at all.
  • edited November -1
    Sora likes shower towels too!
  • edited November -1
    Rakka is basically obsessed with towels. You leave a towel within her reach for any length of time, and she gets at it, rolling on it. Which can be really inconvenient since kids like to leave towels around. Our towels get washed quite frequently! Rakka is also really into licking bedding. But, in Rakka's world, nothing beats a damp towel.

    Akashima's website has an article that mentions this as well - 5th paragraph down.

    I don't know if it's a female thing, or maybe Kuma just isn't into towels, but it does seem like I hear a lot of people saying their shikoku loves towels.

    Jess - Leather shoes? Not yours, right, you being vegan and all?
  • edited November -1
    Ok...I KNEW we hadn't bought enough towels!!! Now I'm going to go stock up, as when we get around to having a shika...we REALLY won't have enough!!! ~
  • edited November -1

    Heidi, maybe you are right, maybe Kuma just isn't into towels. A friend of mine describes Kuma as a "serious" dog (ie, his personality) vs Sachi, who is "silly". Maybe "serious" dogs don't do towels!

    His full sister is though (per grandemu) :-)
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