Is that a Shikoku or some other NK from this anime?

edited December 2010 in General gallery/hg-r00/hg00-kubikuro.html

The classic hero Cyborg had a dog named Kubikuro who would at night go around causing fires because he could manipulate fire. The dubbed episode of the 2001 version of this classic 60s series wasn't aired in the USA because our eponymous hero had to shoot his own dog (to me, it's an anime sequence of Old Yeller). This IMDb link has the synopsis of the episode:

Though the dog is likely one of those generic anime dogs, which if any Nihon Ken does he remotely seem to be based off of? I am thinking the Shikoku perhaps.


  • edited December 2010
    Lot of japanese dogs in anime are just dogs look like japanese dogs, it's sometimes difficult to say what breed he is.
    I know this anime, and this dog look like a japanese dog, yes a Shikoku, and cute ^_^
  • Thanks for the response! Outside of the anime circle (DeviantArt, anime blogs, forums, YouTube and similar sites, etc), you are the one of the few people I've encountered on the web familiar with it. I'll take your word for it. I agree that a lot of the anime dogs look like Japanese dogs or dogs in general that it can be heard to narrow down breed specificity.
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