


  • @runx : Thank! Yes Shousei is indeed also a very beautifull dog als her mother Mikki looks great!

    She's totally adapted to walking with the leash, so thats going great. She pulls alot, but with some training done its been a lot less allready.
    Akana is completely potty trained now, only when she gets excited she loses a few drops, but nothing major anymore.
    She sleeps all night, no probs, thankfully! :-)
    She doesnt bark nor growl anymore when playing with us. Which I think is most important.
  • Hey all, I'm hoping to get some input from all of you.
    As Akana is aging, I feel that she needs a bit more excercise then she has now. I was thinking about going skating with her.
    Do you think she's old enough?(She's 5 months now) Should I wait a bit longer?
    If I can, how long can I go with her?
    Do you have some recommendations on leashes?
    Thanks!! :-)
  • What a beautiful pup!! LOVE the ones of her running. :)

    Her parents are absolutely stunning!

  • It is usually recommended that you not "run" with pups until they are at least a year old. It can be really hard on their growing bones and joints.

    As a general rule, it should be okay to run in short bursts, but not a continuous run, such as would be needed with her joining you while you skate.
  • I have recieved the same advice as Casey gives here, but if you feel she needs more excercise maybe more play in the yard could also be good? Or some game or puzzle that will stimulate her mentally, which can also help a lot.

    Something I did with my GSD was swimming, it tires them out really quickly and it doesn't put the same pressure on bones and joints as running. Maybe this is a solution for you? I don't know how it is in your country (Netherlands, right?), but in Denmark we have centres that provide swimming pools for dogs along with instructors, so the training is supervised, at least in the beginning and you can keep track of how much your dog actually swims.
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