Are Kai Ken escape artists?

edited January 2011 in Kai Ken (甲斐犬)
Yes they are...

Chibi's Escape - 1 Chibi's Escape - 2 Chibi's Escape - 3 Chibi's Escape - 4 IMG_3900



  • LoL, I can picture Tetsu doing the same thing...gotta love the intelligence and ingenuity of these breeds:)
  • lol! Uh oh! :)
  • Is that Chibi? She has no respect for that gate. Guess she got too big to slide through the sides? lol. Silly little girl.
  • Uh oh lol.
  • Yea, she is growing and so it's getting harder for her to escape. Each time it gets more and more extravagant. I can't wait to see what she does as an adult. LOL
  • She hasn't shown an inclination to dig yet? That would be my guess once she gets too heavy to scale the gate. :-)
  • She's a Japanese hunting dog. They practice escape and evasion as part of their hunting survival skills. One of my brother's Shibas climbed up a chain link fence, like a spider. Don't recall if it was the same dog, but one chewed thru a wooden fence, using a knot hole in the fence as a beginning point. And yes, one of them dug her way out several times under the fence into the adjacent neighborhood swimming club area. Hoshi, my 13 year Shiba shit, chewed a hole in the plastic covered wire of the kennel area. I had heavier ranch wire put in and he tried to chew thru that as well. (Didn't succeed). He then systematically checked out all the corners of the kennel to see if there were any vulnerable areas. Sukoshi has not deliberately tried to escape. The one time she accidentally got out of the garage, she took off at an amazingly fast trot for a dog who typically likes to amble. But she is a ninja, capable of hiding in plain sight, so I always have to be aware of where she is....
  • Lol. Ife has several times tried escape from our outdoor cage. She climbs along the metal netting. I can only admire her balance because even our cat finds it hard to climb over the netting.
  • Not sure if it is a breed trait, but Shadow will wander, but always comes home. When I first got her she would not leave the house even with the gate wide open. I live in a small town and she knows every dog and most of the people. She will go visiting. I have had neighbors say she spent hours just lounging in their living room chewing on a bone. Glad I can trust my neighbors. The county dog catcher even knows her by name. When he should have taken her in, he brings her home.
    She is so personable, everyone loves her. But when she barks ... people take notice.
  • I was watching a documentary that talked about the hypothetical situation of all humans on Earth disappearing at the same time, and the first thing they talked about was all the trapped pets and how a very large number of pets would die of starvation if they couldn't escape. It got me thinking about whether Rakka could escape or not.

    So, take heart knowing that the kai army will probably be fine. Even though it will never happen, and it's silly to worry about such a crazy thing.
  • Nicely Done Chibi. :)
  • Great pics, Brad! Guess she's a resourceful girl!

    Heidi, I also saw that documentary, and pretty much went down the same line of thinking as you! Well, I'm also glad to see that the kai army would survive! *lol* I think my Shibas could survive--even lazy Toby--but I'm not sure about my Akita, and my poor GSD who is now passed on, well, he'd only make it if he could find other humans.

  • I missed these pics, they are hilarious, Brad! Chibi is a little houdini ;P I can see I need to make a very escape proof garden fencing once I get a kai...
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