


  • Hunters are the protectors of our wildlife.
  • Poor coyote! I don't think I would shoot a coyote just for fun...but maybe to control their population I would. Agree with Kaiyak and shishiinu!
  • Last night the coyotes where yipping it was neat they sounded like hyenas at one point.. lol

    Mom said they were at it again in the morning when she took Bella outside.

    Mine seem pretty scared of people they run right away so I have no issue with them.

    I have more issues with darn feral cats or barn cats they're not fixed I'm thinking about catching them and taking them to the shelter.

    Darn cats kill tons of mice, shrews, moles, and baby rabbits and don't eat them. >.< a waste.. lol

    Good way for me to teach dogs leave it, but still. Good control for the pests, but still..

    Saya and Bella now pretty much leave dead animals alone when told to.
  • Someone mentioned a honey badger. The next day I was sent this video. Naughty language, so not for the delicate eared or littles kids. But those of us unaffected by some four letter words please watch and laugh!
  • LOL! Nice vid Jess!
  • Hahahaha, that video got me in trouble just now. I was watching it in class and I ended up laughing out loud in a quiet lecture hall.
  • LMFAO!! Gotta love the narrator...
  • Oh! I will have to remember to come back to this when I am not at work. :)
  • Went walking with the dogs after taking them to the dog park found out what the rukus going on with the coyotes a dead bunny in the grass they left the feet and some fur.. yuck..

    The next day the coyotes ate the rest of it.
  • Honey badger is awesome.

    I saw a Coyote somewhere in Nevada during my drive. It began to trot across the highway then saw me and was all WHOA CAR! and took off into the brush. It was pretty neat.
  • LMFAO!!! Yup!!! It was me who mentioned the honey badger earlier in this thread! Love the video. This is exactly why I want to be a Honey Badger! But like I had mentioned, the sad thing is that there aren't many of them left. Thanks for posting the video JessicaRabbit!
  • We live in Los Angeles. I grew up in the area and coyote sightings are common. While cycling through Griffith Park a couple years ago I was chased 2x by coyotes. The 4 legged kind. The times were 7-9pm. Feeding time. Other people were attacked as well. Not really sure why this started happening. The Rangers caught several of the alpha coyotes and re located them. Went hiking last week w/ our GSD and one followed us barking for 15 minutes. Glad his pals didn't show. Oh yeah it was feeding time. I won't stop cycling during those times , but I will not hike there at those times anymore.
  • "The 4 legged kind" LOL

    That's crazy tho. Coyote are getting really ballsey... I think it's the mixing with domestic canine. It mskes them fear humans less.

  • Hahaha 4 legged kind, I know what you mean XD

    Someone out here saw a coyote and boy was there an uproar about it. OMG keep your pets and small children safe 'cause the evil coyote is on the prowl!
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