Dear Spring...

edited February 2011 in General
Come out, come out, wherever you are!

So, today was quite Spring-like here on the east coast. The pups and I had a great time hanging outside during breaks from my paper writing nightmare. I even took some nice outdoor shots. (It was so awesome to take pictures without my flash for once!)

Just thought I would share our Spring-ish weather with those of you slightly further north that are still incased in a mound of snow:

My favourite picture of the day:

This one is just funny:

The first sign of Spring:


  • Great pics. I can't wait for weather like this!! Looks like they had a great time in the sun :)
  • edited February 2011
    Nooooo hold on spring not yet. Just 6 more weeks until trukey season, I need the turkeys to slow down on their biological urge to mate. Oh and today I took about three pounds of Kishu hair off of the carpet!

    Freak'n NK's, thats the only thing that drives me nuts..... the stink'n shed hair. Aesome photos for sure, they look really happy to be in the warm sun light.
  • Great photos!! We enjoyed the sun today as well. I am with you!! Bring on the Spring Time!!
  • This part of the east coast was thirty degrees with flurries. If the coat blowing from Miko's butt is any indicator spring must be on its way. But that is the only sign.
  • Its been upper 70's here in Diego. My kids again went to the pool today.
  • Great pics! Love the flower pic. :o)

    It was very warm here today too. All the snow is melting and everthing is mud now. Sigh.
  • Oh, and all our pups are shedding too. Even the CO.
  • Nice pictures Sunyata!!! 70 degrees in Diego??? Sounds like summer to me already Gen. Today, in MN it was in the high 40's and I thought that was pretty warm. I'm so jealous of the south weathers.
  • Gorgeous shots Casey! We've been having some amazing weather down here too, but I'm completely slammed at work until Wednesday so I haven't been able to take advantage of it. :-(
  • Really great pics Casey - we have stormy weather and looking at a week with wind and snow!

    Can't wait till spring ;)
  • Thanks Casey, you gave me hope that maybe Spring will come to Finland too :D. At this moment we have snow about 75-100cm were I live and this morning we had -27 degrees and it's gettind even colder. Doens't feel that we are heading to Spring :D.
  • Spring will come eventually! It is 59 degrees here, sunny, and ridiculously windy.

    @brada1878 - I have a giant mud pit in my backyard, too. Nola loves it. :)

    @JessicaRabbit - I will send some warmth up the coast for you. I will priority mail it, so expect it by Wednesday!

    And yes... Spring embarks the bi-annual coat blow... Fluff is EVERYWHERE! But it means warmer weather is coming, so I am okay with that... :-D
  • It's raining and windy here today. I have been waiting for the rain to come back. The past two weeks have been beautiful up here, but it was too early and too soon.

    Mei has started blowing her coat in a major way! It's ridiculous, but it does mean spring will be here soon. I'm still waiting on Koda, but Mei's coat gets really thick during the winter.

    This is my parent's first time dealing with the blowing of the coat. I think my mom mentioned giving Mei back to me about 3 times yesterday. lololol.
  • Nice winter weather on its way to socal. Come on mother nature dump some rain and cold weather!
  • Gen, I will happily send you the next round of winter weather we get. If you send me your 80 degree and sunny weather, I will even throw in some snow. :)
  • Took the pups snowshoeing in an awesome nature preserve yesterday. We are definitely the only ones to have been there for about a month. I was driving the 4wd pretty hard through about 2 feet of snow and we made the only tracks visible. It was warm out and lots of fun.
  • Sorry Casey, it's supposed to rain here these couple days :P haha maybe in a couple weeks
  • lol....The only bad thing about spring and all this snow melting around here are the previously unseen piles of dog poo in my yard.
  • Yaay finally some winter weather in socal! This should put a damper on those turkeys for a little bit.
  • lol... Still getting a taste of Spring here in Virginia. I even sat out on the porch when I got home from class at 9:30 with the pups. Apparently the bugs are noticing the warmer weather as well. The pups had a nice moth hunt while we were out there (I had the porch light on). :)

    Gen, I hope it is nice and cold and rainy for you. But I do hope you can keep that weather out on the west coast and not send it eastward. Haha.
  • Was 85 or so today, I think i'll have to give up on snow this year, actually I don't think Kira's ever even seen snow...
  • Wish we had weather even close to that over here... Oh well, by time it will come... (Hopefully!)
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