have a pack? - what's your setup?

edited February 2011 in General
I am just curious what kind of setups people have with having more then 5 dogs in the home ... whether you breed or not.

Large running/play areas? Individual dog runs? No runs just back yard? Do all your dogs sleep indoor?


  • I have 4 dogs right now. They each have their own crate inside. Everyone shares the same back yard. It works for me as everyone gets along. I do have to juggle my male around when the females come into season.
  • We have a large backyard (about 2 acres) that's sectioned into four smaller areas (1 acre, 1/2 acre, and two 1/4 acres). Dogs younger than 8 months and a few select adults sleep in the house in a crate, the rest sleep in the barn in a crate or kennel. We keep some adult dogs in the house: Blue, Ahi, Kona, Loa, Haru, and Kumi. Masha's started sleeping in the house too, not sure why tho... I think she just kinda came in and then never left.

    We rotate dogs in smaller groups in each section of the yard in the AM, then at (around) noon the Ovcharka are put in the barn for lunch and don't come out till around 5pm. During that time Blue is put out (to guard) with the NK and they get the whole yard (excluding the area at the backdoor) for free-play.

    Well, except the young Shikoku, they get managed a little more. Our Kai can be i the yard all day w/o issue but our Shikoku can only handle that much freedom for an hour or so - after that they start to cause disagreements. So, one of our younger Shikoku is usually kept in the house with us and while our other Shikoku adolescent is out, then we switch them. The 2 adult Shikoku don't have an issue being out in the yard (usually), tho sometimes Loa will choose to stay inside with us during the day.

    The Ovcharka are fine with the NK, the reason why we separate them in the AM is because they play with each other in the AM (I think the cooler temps give them more energy), and during that play the NK can get trampled. So in the AM they all get playtime/potty time in separate smaller (no less than a 1/4 acre) areas to prevent issues.

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