Wanting more and more - forum makes me crazy! xD



  • This post is like the intro to a AA meeting. Only its about NKs.
  • Hi, My name is Casey, and I am a Nihon Ken-aholic.

    I have two Shibas, but I have intentions of adding a Hokkaido, a Kai, a Kishu, and maybe a Shikoku. Or two, or three... :)

    I say we all pool our resources, buy a thousand acres in Colorado and just have a Nihon Ken ranch. Then we could have as many as we could ever want! Hehe.
  • HAHAHA Gen, you're right, we kinda are the AA for NK, except for the part about wanting to be cured! :P

    But yes I will gladly admit it, I too am a NK-aholic!!

    Oh and I blame you Gen (@shishiinu) for adding the kishu to my wish-to-own-list! Shame on you. Would you also offer a good beer to an alcoholic trying to resist? Haha :P (yes I'm kidding)
  • Me too! This forum is helping feed my NK-aholism!! all the dogs are so cute on here.

    @Brego_mellon_nin agreed, I dont think anyone here wants to be cured!

    Oh Yea...umm Hi my name is Kait. I have a Shiba, just added a Kai puppy about a month ago, and wouldn't mind adding a Kishu to my mini hunting clan!! :) ( when @shishiinu has a litter lol)
  • Yes this forum has done me in also. I,ll be picking up my first kai in about two weeks and have a deposit on another one :)
  • LoL, I only got Miyu two months ago and already I'm debating what breed the 4th dog will be.
  • @kaiyak your getting 2 Kai!! I am very jealous! Is the second one a female also or is it going to be a male? :)

    I think I may end up with almost one of each by the time all is said and done...except maybe not an akita. they are pretty and all but Im not quite sure if it could keep up with the hunting? haha.
  • @kaiyak I totally forgot you had a deposit down with Marian right? That's funny. Do you have any updated pics of the pups? Rita hasn't posted any lately. I should bug her.

    @kait0585 Koda and Tora's mom and dad are being bred again. lol. You want a puppy?
  • @tjbart17 VERY tempting. I think I need to wait a bit since we just got Ziggy a few weeks ago. My husband would probably have a heart attack. Hahah!
  • @kaiyak I'm just in puppy madness mode. I am trying to get everyone else to get them so I won't. he he
  • Since reading this forum, I too could go NK crazy if we had more space. I have several Shibas, in which I absolutely adore and have a deposit down on a Shikoku (hoping this summer) ... after that we need to stop. But once we move, I am sure I'll end up with more. I personally love the shibas and shikokus.... but I could see myself getting an akita or/and kishu one day.
  • @kait0585 I had a deposit on a kai before the one I'm getting in a couple of weeks.The planned litters never developed and therefor greatly extended the waiting period. My family and I just could not wait any longer.If things work out like I expect them to we will most likely add the second pup in the future.

    @tjbart17 You know you are partly responsible for this ! he he :) Just got a couple of new pics yesterday. I'm not the kind of guy that uses words like cute very often. But these pups are soooooooooooooooooo cute !!!!!!!

  • @kaiyak
    2 kai? Ooooh soo jealous! Haha... Cannot wait to se lots of puppy spam in here *hint hint*

    I'm the same situation, sort of, I just picked up Eowyn a month ago and here I am pondering which dogs to get next. Haha... Or well, kai are next, but which ones (if any) I should add after that! :P Haha...

    If you are so desperate to get the kai puppies out of the way, that you'd be willing to pay for shipping one to Denmark, I'll happily take it off your hands! xD Muahahaha!!
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