Shikoku Envy

Oh my goodness, where do we begin? The past few weeks have been almost overwhelming. We have sifted through nearly every discussion in the Shikoku category and have read so much that it is beginning to blur. We have both written comprehensive research papers that required less research than we have done regarding Shikoku. The more we read, the more convinced we are that a Shikoku would be our perfect companion. He and Jess can get carsick together. The pictures and videos... well they have only intensified our eagerness. Jess is even getting a little jealous when we see a post about a Shikoku pup, particularly Brad's wonderful photos of Kaiju.

So what is the next step?
We have filled out a breeder referral form @ and have emailed Katja of Akashima Kennels.
We are still waiting for responses and are wondering if there is something more we can do. We are waiting to hear back from Katja regarding a trip to meet her and her dogs. We plan to fly down there in late April or early May depending on factors such as work,scheduling and Katja's response. After meeting some Shikoku we will decide upon placing a deposit on a pup from, hopefully, a 2012 litter. The decision is almost made already, given all of our research, yet hinges on our experience and impression of these dogs live and in person.
We are also curious about the contract we must sign. Can anyone please provide us with some information regarding the contracts? We are seeking a companion dog and have no interest in breeding. What may be the terms of such contracts?

-- Decided to check email again just after posting this discussion and there was Katja's response.

Last but not least, how do you cope with the waitng?!?


  • "Last but not least, how do you cope with the waitng?!?"

    You sift through Brad's photos....

  • edited March 2011
    I'm afraid I can't tell you how to cope with waiting, since it drives me mad. I guess I spent a lot of time planning where I'd go with the pup, what we'd do and also: buying stuff - like toys, collar, leash, foodbowl etc.

    A contract for a companion dog might include that the dog is not for breeding, what consequences it will have, if the dog gets bred/breeds by mistake/coincidence, if the breeder has any specific wishes for how the dog should be kept that could also be included. Price is also included often, to prevent squabbles about price afterwards and ofcourse (at least it's customary over here in Europe) that a replacement puppy will be provided if the puppy develoups hereditary diseases (or a refund).

    Really it can include what information you like, as well as the mandatory information about seller, buyer and the animal in question. Maybe Katja has a standard contract she would let you take a look at...
  • You may want to also contact TheWalrus (Shigeru). Great person to talk to about a pup from Japan.
  • The wait is always a killer, and with the shikoku it sometimes feels like forever. I waited a year and a half for Miyu, and that's about average. But once the breeder sends you pics of the litter and tells you to pick one out, it is like the most exciting and surreal feeling in the world.

    Lot of breeders will let you look at a blank contract before putting a deposit down, so it would hurt to request to look at it.
  • We have considered importing a pup from Japan but we're not sure the increased cost to benefit ratio is for us. If we were interested in breeding then yes we would look more seriously at importing. After reading about importing on this forum, particularly a rather lengthy debate, we believe that getting a pup from Katja makes the most sense for us.
  • Just do what I do and take a vacation to Japan and bring a pup back on the return trip! Super simple.
  • is it that simple?
    im assuming theres a long waiting list over there as well huh?
    i go back and forth between asia all the time and it would be a quick flight in order for me to pop by japan.
  • If you check out Shig's (TheWalrus) blog, he usually will post if there are litters available. :)
  • For me I have family and friends who help me out so I'm sure its easier for me but there are a number of members here that did it this way.
  • IMHO the real issue with importing is the health risk and not the cost. The wait will be shorter with importing and the cost pretty equal between the options there is just no health guarantee with imports. Wich is a big deal with the Shikoku.
  • ahh i see, i was mostly just wondering, but it would be nice to take a look at some of the breeders over there as well. i have several people i could probably ask for help in tracking one down in japan but i live in the same province as Akashima kennels (ferry ride away) so that definitely makes the most sense.

    ive been following the walrus' blog as well. its a great read!
  • I definately see what Brad is saying, lucky for Kai and Shikoku enthusiasts there are kennels here in NA. Unfortuantely for me its probably safe to say that itsimpossible to find hunting line Kishus in NA.
  • We have briefly discussed importing with Shigeru. He has provided us with great information regarding Kishu, Shikoku and Kai. He has been very helpful in his responses to our emails. Thanks again Shigeru. The cost of importing is approx 1000 dollars greater than getting a pup in NA, and then there is the lack of a contract containing health checks/guarantee. For example, obtaining a pup from Katja is 2350 plus crate and shipping/pick-up costs. Fortunatly we live relatively close to Katja so our costs will exclude shipping. Importing a pup to Vancouver Canada is approx 3600. The difference of one thousand dollars may not be large for some, while it is for others.
    If, however, someone with contacts in Japan was travelling to Japan and willing to bring back pups, the cost decreases a lot. You can place 2 small pups per crate at 200 dollars per crate that travels with the passenger. Then the price of import vs NA pup are about equal.
    We have decided to go the NA route for a few reasons. This will be our 1st NK if we do in fact decide to go with Shikoku. That being said, we want to meet Shikoku before we place a deposit. We most definatly want to meet the pup's parents as well. Then there is the health concerns. All of Katja's dogs have had their medical checks and she guarantees her pups will not suffer from degenerative hereditary conditions. From what I understand, and I may be mistaken and I'm certain Shigeru does all he can to assure healthy pups, Japanese breeders do not do health checks on breeding stock or on pups. Now you can request that it is done, at your expense, and you still receive no health guarantee. Even though a guarantee in not 100% proof postive against degenerative conditions, it does, in my mind, offer some peace of mind and financial security given that these are expensive puppies (for us at least).

    @shishiinu we have also spoken with Carleen Newman, I do not know if she breeds the hunting line that you are interested in but Shigeru also spoke of someone else beginning to breed Kishu next year in California. You may want to speak with him about the details regarding that line of Kishu.
  • edited March 2011
    Lol Shigeru is probably talking about me. I think I'm the only one with hunting line Kishus in NA. I believe Carleen has Kishus from show lines and I remember her saying that she tries to breed her dogs along those lines. I visited her when she lived here and Ca and took Riki with me, I dont think she really liked his light brown/white coloration. She always tells me that she only likes the all white Kishus...
  • edited March 2011
    Totally agree with everyone on the import issue. It's important to import new bloodlines for breeding purposes, but there are issues with health risks, and or course since pups are coming from overseas you end up pretty much accepting all responsibility and risk.

    Whenever possible, I advise people looking for a companion NK to go to one of the established breeders in their country before thinking about importing.

    Hopefully in the not too distant future I will have my own tested breeding program, and I'm also trying to work with some NK breeders to start testing their breeding adults.
  • I was pricing out importing and so on, and it seems like for the amount you're spending on shipping, you may as well just go to Japan yourself.

    Of course, I wouldn't import a dog just to be a pet. The advantage to importing is the genetic diversity, which doesn't matter if you're going to neuter your dog anyway. I wouldn't import a dog for breeding either, if there were sufficient gene pools in NA.
  • I agree with Shigeru and Heidi.
    I live in Denmark, and we don't have many possibilities. I plan to import a kai since we have very few breeders, and the other reason is that I really want an akatora, so I kinda have to go far away, and I've always wanted to see Japan, so for me it is a good deal to go to Japan to get a pup.

    And I'd want to breed ofcourse... That has long been a dream of mine!
  • It is official. We are going down to Akashima on April 1st to meet Katja and all the dogs!
    We look forward to meeting the dogs and talking to Katja in person.
    We will be bringing the camera to document the trip and we know TheWalrus is eager to see more recent pictures of Yamato!
    To say we are very excited would be quite an understatement.
  • great stuff! i always love seeing pics from akashima visits.
    i hope to be going back there again sometime this year! :)
  • Wow, can't wait to see the pics of your visit, when you do visit. I'm dieing to see more recent pics of Yamato as well, being that he is Miyu's dad. I hope you enjoy the visit, funny how it's only April Fools Day to:)
  • Wish I would have taken some pictures when I went to Peggy's. We intended to, but in the moment completely forgot about the camera in my wife's purse. Yamato was so friendly when we met him, licking us like crazy.
  • Akashima is awesome; plenty of hands on time with the Shikoku, you will love it! Nice variety of Shikoku, younger, older, male, one a nice overall look at what to expect from the breed. Make sure you take a set of clothes just for playing with the Shikoku; and if you are there on more than one day, pop the same clothes back on for the return, they might be a bit smelly, but the dogs love it. :)
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