Parka! My Boerboel...



  • Parka's awesome! Good looks, and good at his job. Atta boy!
  • WTG, Parka! Dogs rule, cats drool, haha.
  • That is awesome! Good boy Parka! Mt. Lion encounters can definitly raise the hairs on your neck.
  • Glad you had Parka to warn you, and so glad you're safe! I am continually amazed at the ability of dogs to sense (whether it be sight, scent, hearing, etc.) when something is amiss in the environment. It's useful, as illustrated by your story, to be very attentive when these wonderful doggies let us know, too! Not to be repetitive, as I said it on FB, too: You would be well - advised to take these kinds of hikes with some sort of a weapon... Just saying...
  • edited May 2011
    Yeah, I'd say that's a pretty close call. Hopefully, the cougar was just taking a cat nap but it's definitely highly comforting to know that Parka was aware of the situation. Sounds like he'll make a fine guardian some day, excellent job!

    Parka just scored major points. =]


    * ( @hondru ) Heidi, I LOVE that movie! *
  • good boy, Parka! That had to be pretty nerve wrecking!
  • That is awesome! Go Parka! :)
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