How much does your NK sleep?

edited March 2011 in General
Kaiya had a very busy week this past week, including her first day of day care and we were out socializing a lot too, however, she seemed to want to do nothing but sleep by Sunday. How much does your NK sleep?


  • The only time my dogs are ever up and about is exercise and feeding. The rest of the day, they're snoozing.
  • Yeah, Rakka sleeps most of the time unless she's been cooped up, then she spends time pacing around and whining at me.
  • Our adults sleep most of the day. Our pups too, but our adolescents sleep a little less.
  • Mine don't sleep much. Koda would rather be out all day. He's spoiled.

    Mei gets put down for a nap for about an hour/hour and a half during the day in her crate. The amount of time she needs is based on how bad she is picking on, and teasing, Koda.

    Mine are spoiled. Count your blessings.
  • Kuki is 14 weeks and sleeps alot.
    He pretty much sleeps all night from about 10 pm to 5 am.
    Morning nap approx. 30 min between 7 am and 8 am.
    Mid-day nap approx. 30 min to an hour depending on length of his walk.
    Evening nap approx. 30 min to an hour somewhere between 6 pm and 8 pm.
  • Our 3 shibas are only really awake for about 6 hours a day (between 3 and 9 in the evening, give or take). Even right after breakfast at 4:30AM they are back to bed because it's still dark out and the other human isn't awake until mid-morning.
  • Glad to hear she is pretty normal then. She is out of the house and at day care two days a week, the rest of the days she spends between 1-4 hours in her crate sleeping. She has a major case of the FOMS (fear of missing something) and rarely sleeps if we are home and moving about so the thing yesterday sleeping almost any chance she got freaked me out a bit cause of her heart.

    I guess that's the "new mom" in me :)
  • I think more than half of the pics I have of Mika are of her sleeping lol :T
  • I remember being somewhat alarmed when I realized how much my first dog was sleeping. I think it was @JessicaRabbit who pointed out to me years ago that dogs are historically hunters. Wild canids have to work hard for their meals and it requires a lot of energy. When they aren't hunting, it is in their interest to conserve as much energy as possible so that they can be most effective when it is time to hunt. Hence, they sleep. A lot.
  • If he's not eating, playing or barking at something Conker (Shiba) is snoozing. He sleeps most of the day.
  • This is what made me realize that crates were no big deal. Because I originally thought of it as putting a dog that would otherwise be running and playing into a small space, but what you're really doing is taking a dog that's sleeping and just having them sleep in a safe place.
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