Kai Clan

edited March 2011 in Kai Ken (甲斐犬)
Hi there...hope everyone is doing well.

I have been working on socializing the new Kai pups. It's nice to be able to get them outside and let them romp with the big dogs. Even though the sun is out...HIGH temps have been in the low 30's here in NE Ohio...burrrrrrr!!! So much for an early spring.

Anyhow, thought you might enjoy a recent video of the Kai Clan here at O'ikon. I put a raised bed outside for the little pups to rest on, but Tora decided to claim it. The little peke-a-poo is Harry, but he thinks he is a Kai Ken.


  • Oh wow! I didnt know you had Kai pups recently! Congrats! They all look so adorable, even Harry ;)
  • You have a scooter! How do you like it?
  • They are adorable!!! Tora is looking good!
  • Tora is such a clown on that bed. I don't know how you didn't laugh at his antics going under or on top of it! He is a really pretty dog (and this video does not do justice to how pretty his brindle is; I saw it a few weeks ago and in the sun, it is stunning).

  • Oh no! Just when I was finally getting over puppy fever! :)

    They are quite cute!
  • Aww, they are cute :).
  • @Shikoku1 - The pups look great. Tora and Chibi look awesome! Tora is a clown like his sister (Ayu)... His tail has a nice curl to it, huh? Great vid - thanks for sharing! :o)

  • Yes, the pups are really cute. I just love how each dog has its own personality and how they interact as a pack. Tora is definitely a ham. I put him and Chibi in their new back packs today and headed out for a hike. Here's a short clip of their first outing as "trail dogs."

    BTW...the scooter is a lot of fun!

  • LOL... That look like that are having fun!
  • Tora and Chibi are looking really good! I wish I had snow ! hehe
  • Cute pups. =) I bet the two loved their new backpacks.

    I plan to get Bella one soon I think she'd love it.
  • those dogs look strong, will you sled with them?
  • Peggy, the pups look great! Thanks for posting pics!
  • I could watch the Kai's forever. What silly dogs:-)
    Those little backpacks and yes, they work!!
    Scootering really suits teh Shikoku!
    Thanks, those videos and photos are wonderful!

  • Great videos :) I really like the hiking vid! :D
    Really beautiful kais you have...
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