Loss for words...



  • So sorry for your guys' loss. It's sickening how fast and easily parvo can spread, not fair really.
  • I really appreciate every ones replies. It definately helps during tough times like this, We had a small service for Ame and buried her next to a beautiful pomagranet tree. My brother's Akita, Hiroki, is showing signs of depression. He seems to be really sad that his day time playmate is gone. I still cant believe that sweet little pup is gone. Everytime I see her picture, I feel like calling my brother to bring her over. She didn't even get a chance to run through the hills yet...
  • So sorry for your brother's loss. I'm at a loss for words.
  • How old was Ame? I keep trying to figure out when it's safe to take Sosuke to places where there have been a lot of dogs, but Ame wasn't that young, was she?
  • @hondru - Sosuke was vaccinated here and then again with you (right?). If so, he should be fine to go out. Don't let this stop you from socializing your pup!

  • It's a sad loss but remember kais NEED to be socialized. I'm with Brad. Don't let this detour anyone from socializing your pup.
  • Yeah I agree with every one else. This was some freak incident since Ame wasn't around too many dogs with us. She hung out with 4 dogs with two of them only once. And all are healthy and up to date with vaccines.

    She may have picked it up when she went on a walk at the park or some thing. Since most of my dogs used to live where brother lives right now, I can't see Ame picking it up at my old house.

    I dunno...
  • @brada1878- My vet was pretty insistent that I wait until he's 12 weeks to vaccinate him again. I thought he was supposed to be vaccinated before then, too, but I just went along with what he said. I thought it was 10 weeks and then 14 weeks. Maybe I should insist on vaccines before then?

    Anyway, I've been taking him to parks and on walks and to my mom's store (there's a "store dog" who is healthy and of course, lots of strangers), but not to the dog run or to meet dogs I don't know. I'm aiming for the Ian Dunbar recommendation of 100 people before he's three months old. I need like 50 more. Stuff like this really stops and makes you think, but yeah, he needs socialization. It's hard not to be paranoid.
  • Sounds like your vet is grouping everything together. Koda got his first shots with Roberta. The second day I had him hr got his secon round at nine weeks old. Then waited to weeks and finished up his third at eleven weeks. He got his rabies at 14 weeks. We also had in between visits for deworming and bortatella. I'd get his second round of shots done now.
  • Sorry about the spelling. I'm on my phone
  • I just made an appointment for Sosuke, so he'll be vaccinated in an hour.
  • I am so sorry to hear that!
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