Pet Expo 2011

edited April 2011 in General
I helped Corina man the Shikoku booth again this year had a blast hanging out with Corina and her pups (sounds like a band name) Here are some pics. The first two are at the Akita booth the last is of Kotomi.

here's the link to my flickr page


  • edited April 2011
    Are you teasing? Lol I cant see them.
  • that's weird... I can see them on my computer, but not on my iPhone. Are you trying to view them on your iPhone?
  • I can't see them on my comp, are they private?
  • I can't see them either (on my PC)
  • toecari - thanks for coming by the JA booth at the expo. Sorry if I was such a space case.. I had a really long night at work the night before. Great pictures.
  • Great pictures I love the akita pictures and of Kotomi is nice.
  • Nice! but I guess I cant see the rest of the pics either. Those are awesome pics though.
  • Thanks. I wonder who can and can't see the pics. I can see them in comp and iPhone.
  • I can now see them. What great pics, thanks for sharing
  • I ran across this post:

    I recognize a few of those dog faces. :o)

  • @toecari - didn't you say the people from the Dog World came by the Shikoku booth on Friday?

    @brada1878 - you and Jen should talk about one of you guys coming down next year for a Kai Ken booth! :) Corina and I were talking about it, and would love to have a Kai booth because Kyuubi got a lot of attention while he was there! lol
  • @jujee - Yea, I've wanted to go for a few years now, but next year looks to be more reasonable. The past few years have been hard due to the arrival of Chase and all the imports.

  • @toecari I can see the photos!


    I'm gonna start planning now (handouts/booth decor) for next year's expo! I waited last minute this year and discovered after the Expo that I needed to update some breed info, LOL. I've been using the same breed handouts for 3 years!

    @jujee @brada1878 There might be some changes as to booth location for next year =/. I'm hoping they don't relocate us but they *might*. Anyways...I believe John (coordinator) said to register breed booths by December 2011/January 2012 so that he can arrange the floor plans. For certain, Kai and Shikoku will be next to each other (if we have enough Kai to do a booth) but I'm hoping he'll put us next to the Akita booth. Assuming we can stay in Breezeway then Korean Jindo will be a neighbor as well. Unfortunately, Shibas are most likely rooted in their AC building (been so for years).
  • @jujee yes we met the editors of dogworld. I kinda spaced it. I should have gotten their names at least. They told me this was the first time they had ever seen a Shikoku. The writer of the article is a "rare" breed judge. I don't think she even communicated with any NIPPO judges or breeders. I believe @brada1878 said they spoke with Peggy and Katja.

    @brada1878 we met her writer of that blog I sent her a leash to review on her website. Cool person
  • Corina, let me know if you need any help planning
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