Give me some training tips please

I have an 1 year Akita, that is not neuterd and I have some issues with him... from monday I will start training with a dog trainer but I would like to know what you think about this behavior:

1. When we are walking, he is walking near me, but he sometimes from nothing stop to pee on the sidewalk, on grass without rising his leg, after a few min he will again pee, and after a few more min pee again (some times with his leg up or not) ... from my house to the place where I usualy give him more space to do his needs and etc, he will pee very much... I don't know if exist any method to make him not to pee so much :), I'm thinking to neuter him, now that he is 1 year...

2. I have never given him raw or big cow bones, and a week ago I bought some big cow bones and gave him to chew them. And when I tried to take the bown from him, he had growl me... until then he never growl at me, I was a little scare of his attitude, because never showed agrresion to me.

3. When we are in the yard, and it is only me and him, if I give him a command for example sit, he will do it in a sec, after that I give him treat and he response to any command I've teached him. But if I am for example with a friend, a family member etc. even if before I give him some treat so that he knows that I will reward him, he never listen to me. The same thing is during the walks... he listen to me only when he wants.

If you have confrunted with this problems, what was your solution.. thanks!


  • 1. my male dogs pee on everything. there is one stretch of sidewalk that probably has 15 trees and they will pee on! They're all neutered, too.

    2. He's resource guarding, which while totally normal isn't likely acceptable. This is a great site that describes training methods:

    3. I think that's the Nihon Ken way... selective listening! But maybe trying new treats that excite him might help?
  • 1. - Pick up the pace when in an area that you think he will want to mark, and use treats to redirect her focus to you until you are passed the area you think he may want to mark.

    2. - What Jen wrote ( @tsukitsune ). We just had a discussion this where some advice was given which may help:

    3. - The distraction of your friends is too high, you need to "proof" the behavior in a lower-distraction environment before you can expect him to understand it in a higher-distraction environment. Check this thread:

    Also, here is some more reading that may help:
    The three D’s of dog training and why you need to know about them

    How to Teach Your Dog NOT to Come

  • I don't think I welcomed you to the forum in your intro. thread, so I'll say welcome now!

    I also have a year old, unneutered male Akita. He tends to do the same thing peeing. At a year old, he hasn't quite go the leg lifting thing down. Sometimes he does (sometimes so much that he starts to fall over), sometimes he just pees. My boy just started with this pretty serious marking, too. Be aware that neutering may or may not stop the marking. Both my Shibas mark a lot (one male, one female both neutered/spayed). I'm going to neuter my boy in the next couple of months, myself, but I don't really care about the marking, so....

    You got some good links on the resource guarding and other training issues. Sounds like this is one you'll want to work on. As for the come command, yes, you'll need to get it down without distractions before you can trust him with distractions. What does he really like? A treat? A toy? I've found that really helpful in practicing the recall. We do it a lot when there is no reason for my boy not to come, and so he gets used to doing it, and enjoys it. Once he got off leash out of the yard, and thankfully, when I called him with excitement, he was just so happy to come and get his toy that he didn't even run away.

    I will say, though, that partially I'm just lucky: my boy is sweet and soft and likes to come to me. The same techniques have not worked nearly so well with my Shibas.
  • i'd like to recommend another great book on resource guarding: MINE! by Jean Donaldson. i love/recommend *all* books by Jean Donaldson! Another good website is: Training with positive reinforcement is fun for both dog/handler - and great for these *thinking* breeds ;^}
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