Give Your Opinion: Is This a Fight?



  • I was actually VERY impressed with Nio. When I met him, he was a pretty major resource guarder. I remember him guarding the crate from the other dogs. Watching this, I thought he showed major restraint. I am really proud to see he's growing up so nicely.

    Nio is probably the physically strongest Kai you have there. If he wanted to do damage, he could have.
  • edited May 2011
    I'll add that I totally agree that Shikoku get bored easily. There is no doubt about that.

    We spent so much time keeping Ahi entertained when she was a pup. Loa was a lot easier than Ahi as a pup, but she still got bored too. Loa was never destructive or quarrelsome the way Ahi was tho. Jen ended up leaving her career to take care of Ahi, that's how nuts she was.

    We've yet to meet/own a dog with as much drive, tenacity, and smarts as Ahi. Kaiju I think comes close, but he is very good just being around us. While, as a pup, Ahi was not ok to just be around us - she needed to be entertained or she would entertain herself.

  • @tjbart17 - I agree, Nio has come a long way. Aside from Kona, he is probably the strongest of our Kai (tho Ritsu may mature to be a stronger dog than Nio and maybe Kona).

    edited May 2011
    @brad Jen's take on the dust up makes the most sense to me, hearing how Cho Cho had just got in. I think its a good point @downright said about his Shikoku's awareness (or lackthere of at times) of his own size and strength, and it looks like Nio is figuring it out. For a strong young dog like that, awareness has gotta go a long way and its great to see. He had the chance to put his mouth on Cho Cho a few times there and just kinda bodied up instead.
  • @jijkjak - watch these vids. get some insight into the brothers' interactions vs each of their interactions with other dogs.... we need to vid Ghost and Kuma playing/disagreeing/whatevertheyaredoing and get some opinions
  • edited November 2011
    Definitely an arguement! It seems that Cho Cho was pissed at Nio about something that possibly could have even happened in the past? Yes, yes..."dogs normally live in the present" but I find that my Shikoku will at times hold grudges from a previous encounter. Brad ( @brada1878 ), how is her behavior toward him normally? Do they interact and play a lot? Or ignore each other and play with the other dogs? Do they have any kind of a relationship? Cho Cho was acting super bitchy, even for a Shikoku. That was not something out of boredom or lack of attention...she had a purpose!

    If they normally have a good relationship with one another...maybe she is Nio's student!

    Cho Cho: Alright Sensei, I GOT you this time! Hahah Hahah...
    Nio: That's not good enough. You, I knew you were coming after me.
    Cho Cho: BUT I worked really hard on this! No fair! I'll show you that I'm ready to be a Nihon Ken warrior!
    Nio: Nope. You still don't understand. You have to be faster then that kid! What are you going to do if a giant cat pins you this?!
    Cho Cho: Well...well...I'd...GRRR...I'd bite that giant cat in the belly! Ah, this is SO frustrating! GET OFF me!
    Nio: Work on those defense moves.
    Cho Cho: Alright...looks like I have some more training to do. I'll show him soon that I'm good enough to become a warrior...
  • I liked the way Nio handled the situation. Pinned Cho Cho on the ground and ended it right there. My buddy has two large male dogs and they get into it like that quite often, except they are a lot more aggressive. Didn't seem very serious to me.

    And you really do have a Kai army! Lol.
  • Lol Corina!
  • This is an old video. Cho Cho has matured a lot and doesn't cause as many issue, but at one time she was a real trouble maker with the dogs. She's a typically reactive Shikoku and Nio is a typically patient and to-the-point Kai. Nio and Cho have no longstanding friction.

  • I'm glad to hear they've settled their differences. She probably needed to mature a bit, it sounds like! Kind of cool, though, to have the video and see how much progress she's made!
  • the vids make me even more glad that I live in an area where Kuma gets to meet new dogs virtually every single day, sometimes many new dogs each day. He loves it and wants to meet EVERYONE.... hopefully he'll continue to like to be around other dogs...
  • To me it looked like the light redish one was fighting and the black one calmly put him in his place. I think I heard the red one squeak to a submission. Then the black one let him up. I noticed that the black one waited until the red one lunged 3 times, then put him down, and put enough pressure on his neck to force a submission. as if to say don't do that to me. So ya red one was fighting and black one was correcting. oh by the way. -bump-
  • edited July 2012
    This is such a weird thing to see! Poor Cho got her butt handed to her... She's so submissive towards Goro that it doesn't look like her!
  • I bet it is kinda strange for you, @Hinata23
  • @Hinata23 - PS: Don't mistake proper social skills like "handicapping" and being gentle with "submission". When Cho first got here, like in this video, she lacked a LOT of social skills. She left here being one of the more social doggies here.
  • @brada1878 oh sorry, I used "submissive" for lack of a better word, but yes, she's super gentle with him and with us. :)
  • Regardless of wether it was surprise or Cho-Cho just going in for something she wanted (my original perception) I too was impressed with how Nio didn't escalate the advance - it looked to me as though he on multiple occasions tried to stop her advance and then had to take things further and pin her. He very easily could have laid into her and escalated the disagreement but didn't.
    And no, not a fight. I would say an act of mild aggression squashed, or err... pinned, lol.
  • I love how he was wagging his tail after he pinned her. What a cutie :)
  • It seems that Shikoku and Kai make good companions for each other. Noah and I had this conversation the other day - just that it takes a certain cool-headedness to deal with Rakka and she can be a bit much for some dogs. We've had other dogs in our household, including a handful of fosters, and Rakka has some other doggy friends, so it's not like she can't coexist with other dogs. She's fine with them, but she really gets along great with Sosuke. They're BFFs. When they go romping, they often go shoulder to shoulder like they're holding hands. If Rakka's a brat, Sosuke deals with it calmly, but firmly. If Rakka corrects Sosuke, Sosuke just stops whatever he was doing and gets over it (a lot of dogs get intimidated by Rakka).

    Anyway, they're great.
  • Haha Rakka and Sosuke sound like good friends. :)

    They usually say kai ken get along well with shiba inu so probably goes for a lot of dogs. which is good.
  • edited July 2012
    Yup! The Kais and Shikokus are the best BFFs! Here are some pics of Cho and Goro being always together. Goro always wants to be with her!:

    IMG_0046 IMG_0049 IMG_0090 IMG_0095 IMG_0026 IMG_0092
  • @Hinata23, Awwwww! Great pictures and they are just too adorable!
  • I love shots #1 and 3 the best! Goro and Cho are so cute together. What a great feeling!
  • Aww, they are so great together!
  • Cute pictures! Shiba and Kai are also good together.
  • Those are really cute @Hinata23, pic number three especially.

    I tend to agree, Kai mix really well with other over-reactive dogs. Kai just seem to let dog-dog conflict roll of their backs. That's makes them good matches for the over-reactive Shikoku or Shiba (not saying all are over-reactive).

    I love Kai, even if they do like to tap-in to their "wild side" every now and then * cough* Shakko *cough*

  • Yes, it's always a pain when they decide to release themselves into the wild.
  • Kai Juno is excellent with reactive Sage and i think it has improved his outlook a little- seeing as she doesnt think hes a big deal even when he's freaking out about something. She stays out of the way, but in a wise way. not a scared way- and when he settles down, shes businesslike about it "Your'e done? Great! Shall we tug?" I also love how she expects proximity- they dont cuddle, but they both lay on the bed together and 'hold hands' or sphinx up side by side- Reilly doesnt like to touch anyone while relaxing (oo, re-JECTED!) but J & S have quite a nice relationship. Sage can seem like "Is it really ok to be close?" and Juno's just "What? Yeah of course it is. Let's watch the door and see if mom's done with her shower..." Ive come in the room to see Sage standing on the bed barking fiercely at something out the window and Juno just hanging out there next to his feet. She knows it's just how he is, and he never steps on her or redirects. I find this amazing, since redirection used to be a problem for him- well, for any dog NEXT to him...
  • edited July 2012
    Our Leo gets along well with Oskar,even when Oskar the Akita is being snarky about a toy or food or something. I still have hopes of Leo maybe getting along with Toby, too. (Toby who hates all other dogs). We've had them around each other a lot but not free yet. We needed Leo to calm down a bit--I knew the puppy jumping up wouldn't have gone over at all with Toby.

    eta: funny illustration of Kai Ken adaptability with snarky dogs: Just brought Bel and Leo in and Oskar was under the table guarding a toy. He got really snarky when Leo came in, basically rushing at him and growling, even though Leo was not even going toward the currently coveted toy (a plush red crab). I had to intervene with Oskar (because Bel will escalate such battles) so while I was intervening with a nah nah nah and a body check, Leo slipped casually around Oskar, snatched up the coveted toy, and ran to his favorite hiding place with it! He was not in the least bit bothered by Oskar's display, and he got the toy after all. (And to show all was good, Oskar picked up another toy and offered to play with Leo, so no feelings were hurt).
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