Japanese wolf dog?

edited May 2011 in General
I saw someone list this link and it had various wolf dogs and it lists Japanese wolf dog I clicked it and it goes to the wiki shikoku page.

I know all dogs come from wolves, coyotes whatever, but shikoku is no more a wolf dog than a poodle or lab.. I'm trying to say I think wiki got a bit messed up on their info.

I know shikoku can have a wolfy look or wild look to them to people who don't know the breed, but I don't think they should be listed as a wolfdog breed.

I thought I'd get info from people that know shikoku more than me I only met one once.

Kinda bothers me they list it as a Japanese wolf dog.

Here's the link forgot to paste it.



  • That's been up for awhile. At one point I actually removed the Shikoku from the list but then it was added back. I don't agree with them being on that list either, but there are some people that believe the Shikoku is a descendant of the extent Japanese wolf.

  • People are lame.
  • And this is why I don't let my students cite Wikipedia as a legitimate reference. =)
  • Haha, yeah, wikipedia sucks. Anybody can edit it. I've messed with it a few times...

    Anyways, I've always thought the Shikoku looked more like a coyote than a wolf.
  • I think some are of the opinion Shikoku are related to the extinct Japanese wolf because of its smaller size.
  • Makes sense, but it's not a wolf dog or wolf dog breed in any sense. even if it has japanese wolf in the breeds blood it's now probably so far from it with breeding it can't be considered a low content wolf dog and it's not intended as a wolf dog or anything like the Czech wolfdog etc.

    Ah well gotta love wiki.
  • I run into lots of people who are convinced that my Shikoku is a cross between a Shiba and an Akita. But the standard wolf/fox/coyote comments are all the time.
  • @curlytails I don't even let my bf use wikipedia when we are having a discussion where we are disagreeing with one another lol!
  • @Saya yeah, I'd bet theres a very small bit of Japanese wolf in it but that would be from so long ago, at least 100-200 years ago. They really can't be compared to the Czech or Scandinavian wolfhounds.
  • edited May 2011
    Some people call my Shibas "shibukus" so if I had a Shikoku, I'd really confuse them! :lol:

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