How does your pup eat their RAW

We recently switched Kaiya to RAW and at first she loved it and would gobble it down (this was about a week ago). We are doing premade as I am not yet confident in my knowledge to do our own. We went with a brand called Answers because they sold in the exact portion size we needed per meal (4oz) and do not use heat or pressure pasturization and is all natural. The 4oz variety was a sausage and she loved it. Then we switched to the same brand same protein patty. She will only eat that off a spoon or being hand fed which quite frankly I just cant stomach. Has anyone else had this problem with premade patties?
My guess is that its the texture and we just need to go back to the sausage form...

I will post some pics this evening of Kaiya with her first RMB! :)


  • Saya was picky with her thawed kidneys, heart, tongue and I believe it's due to the odd textures. Kindey, heart is squishy and tongue has that cow tongue feel on top.

    What helped Saya get used to it I fed it in small pieces and frozen and if she didn't eat it I did a bit tough love and she got nothing till the next meal time etc.

    Now she eats those organs just fine.

    Maybe the texture threw Kaiya off and maybe she'll get used to it. Maybe get caned fish like salmon or sardines if she likes that mix it with the patty and then decrease the canned fish and hopefully by the time there's no fish in it she'll gotten used to it?

    I don't feed pre made exclusively, but I do feed it frozen most times when I feed ground meat or pre made raw stuff.
  • Maybe we will try not thawing. Thanks for the advice. If that fails, she LOVES salmon, so that will be our next try :)
  • Hmm, each time I fed premade the dogs seemed okay with the different textures. But I used to always cut it up into little pieces or mix is up a bit when it's in their bowl so it was almost always the same type of texture.

    It got a bit tricky feeding homemade instead of premade. With the kidneys and livers, etc. Mika wouldn't touch it if it was fully thawed. She can eat it frozen and likes it better that way. Some dogs are just picky :P~ Eventually they will eat it or they starve...
  • Conker hasn't had premade but he has had ground beef. He eats it exactly the same as everything else: in one big gulp. He's gotten frozen, partially thawed, thawed and fresh. He chews up the frozen a bit but not enough for me to feel comfortable feeding it like that.
    If it has a considerable amount of bone then he'll chew it up somewhat.
  • edited June 2011
    I feed a prepared raw from Darwin's Natural - it's available in Seattle, Portland, and their suburbs. They have an website explaining their products. It's a complete mix of meat and veggies, ranging form $3 to $6/ 2lbs, depending on the type of meat and if it's organic. Considering they deliver it for free, it's a great deal!

    If you feed raw salmon, be sure to freeze it first. Fresh salmon can carry parasites that can colonize humans, and probably dogs. I think it's a fluke or a worm - and it's very common. Somthing like 50% of the Pacific salmon caught carry it. But it's killed by cooking or freezing.
  • I agree with the salmon thing. I meant caned salmon since most dogs find it yummy to help get used to the texture..

    I fed saya Alaskan salmon once only 1oz of it we cooked the rest for ourselves. I've read Alaskan salmon is fine because it's too cold for the fluke's other host snail or something like that.

    Any other salmon I cook for Saya or get canned.

    Trout can have the parasite too I read..

    I've fed mackerel, smelt, and saury raw with no issue I get them from an asian market and a butcher the fish has been frozen too..
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