Happy Father's day!

edited June 2011 in General
I saw this on the shiba side and thought it'd be nice to post one here for all the fathers and grandparent's here. =)

Happy Father's day everyone hope it was good.

We celebrated it by going to my cousin's lake house, having a good meal, and going for a boat ride and OMG we went to party island! I was so happy Saya got to have her big eddie float coat and we walked around the water.

At the end I was able to coax her out deeper and deeper and eventually she swam and at first she went to the shore right away, but second walk to deeper area she swam towards more deeper water and wasn't worried at all!

After a bit we headed back to the boat a husky german sheperd or some type of mix went to us to see Saya and Saya had a brief meeting we had to go so we could have fathers open gifts! Saya actually did great and when we got her on the boat she was waging her tail and looked like she wanted to go initiate play with the dog.

She/he was so sweet he/she let me pet him for a bit and I told him to go find your owner and he went to him. All in all a wonderful day Saya didn't get snarky with the mix any.

I need to get me a water proof camera for times like that even my old camera I don't want to risk it getting wet..
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