Dog trying to get a 'stranger' to throw a stick for him.

edited June 2011 in General
had to share this...way to cute not to..


  • Too funny! And the sort of thing a BC would do...
  • I thought they were supposed to be smart, what gives? ;o)
  • That's pretty cute XD
    Man I'm so glad my Mom's dogs didn't get much Border Collie temperament or our house would be destroyed. I'm the only one who walks them and I have a tendency to not live here for several months at a time.
  • So cute! The border collies at the dog park will go to me sometimes and expect me to throw their balls I mean your owner doesn't even look like me.

    Saya loves to play fetch, but not that much. lol
  • That is cute; no lie. :)

    My Border Collie is picky about who she selects to play with her. Usually it's just a few of my family members. I don't think she would never try to interact with a "stranger" like that particular "stranger," but then again she's never noticed that sort of thing before. She's too focused on other things...things that are moving.
  • edited June 2011
    BCs can be pretty "obsessive" . I think this video may actually demonstrate an "OCD" Border Collie.

    I had a BC for about two years. Thunderstorms made him crazy. No, he didn't hide -- he wanted to "guard" the house from the thunder and lightning. He would bark and bark and try to "defend" the house. Try explaining the lack of sleep due to a night time thunderstorm the next morning to a coworker who doesn't have dogs!
  • that's too funny :)
  • @WhoBitMe - Is your BC also picky about who she interacts with in general, or just who plays with her?

    @hondru - They also say that Shibas are supposed to be smart... Mine do some pretty stupid stuff sometimes... Like try to eat bees... :-P
  • @sunyata - Well, yes and no? It depends on the place/situation. She is definitely very situational. But I guess I could say she is picky about who she interacts with in general because her preference is always to interact with me before anyone else. But she interacts with basically anyone in my family just fine. And elderly people (she loves elderly people). Other than that, her interactions with others depends on the situation she is in. Oh, though she doesn't interact with children much ever, even the children she likes (which isn't many anymore).

    Today, she did try and get me to throw her disc while I was up on the deck and she was down on dirt level, so... maybe a little similar to the video? :)
  • @WhoBitMe - Interesting. My youngest Shiba, Nola, has some anxiety and fear issues. She is incredibly picky about who she interacts with. And it can take several meetings for her to be comfortable enough to stay in the same room with someone new. However, outside she is pretty much fine with most anyone, but she only plays with a select few. (Just some background info as to why I asked. :) )
  • @sunyata - I see. :) My Border Collie is usually super friendly in the house (except to one person; the only person she has ever disliked). On walks she would rather ignore people, except for elderly people. On the 18th I took her to a beach (she'd never been to this beach) where a sandcastle building contest was going on and she kept trying to say hello to people until I pulled out one of her discs and then she basically ignored everyone, and if they wanted to say hello to her she let them pet her, but otherwise did not interact much. I'm not sure if those are good examples of what I was talking about before, but they're the first things I thought of.
  • LOL, too great!
  • That's very cute. The dog is like "this guys a real asshole! " lol
  • This is adorable!!! Two of my best friends are always trying to talk me into getting the breed they want because they can't have their own dogs. One wants a German Shepherd and the other wants a Border Collie. I hope the latter doesn't find this video.

    @Sunyata - Who said eating bees was stupid? Lol.
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