Kuki the Cone-Head

edited June 2011 in Kai Ken (甲斐犬)
Kuki is just over 6 months old and it was time to get him fixed.
The procedure was today and he got micro-chipped.
He's got his cone-head on and he's supposed to wear it for a week.
I've been through this before with my other dogs and I don't enjoy this period.
He's bumping into things, his head and tail are down, he looks sad and confused.
I'm feeding him by hand and holding his water bowl up to him.
We're keeping a close eye on him with extra TLC.


  • Poor boy! Hope he has a quick recovery! Oskar has his appointment next Monday.
  • So sorry! I hate those Elizabethan collars. Not sure if this would work for Kuki, but when my dogs have had surgery and the vet recommends a Eliz collar--I decline. Instead, my dogs wear shirts that cover the wound area and when unsupervised, wear a basket muzzle. It's MUCH more comfy! When supervised, I don't muzzle them at all, just watch to make sure they aren't licking/digging at anything. Perhaps instead of the collar he could wear a pair of shorts or doggy-diaper to cover and protect the area?

    Hugs to Kuki, hope it's a short recovery!
  • I have an inflatable donut instead.
  • Hey Jen,

    Great idea on a doggy shorts. I think we'll give that a try.
    thanks !!!
  • edited June 2011
    I may try that for Oskar too. His neck is so thick I don't know if they even have a cone that will fit (I mean I'm sure they make them, but not sure we have one in our stash of cones!) He tolerates clothes pretty well....he wore a sock for two weeks after he split his toenail off, so I think "pants" for a week would be tolerable.
  • We had to have a cone on Cody a couple of weeks ago. He had gotten all of these growths removed and needed stitches. He actually seemed more secure, probably because Bear was afraid of him and no one could steal his food.

    Kuki should perk right up when it's removed though.
  • edited June 2011
    So, he really didn't like wearing the shorts, but again, thanks for the idea.
    He tolerates the cone.
    This morning we took it off and let him go outside without it.
    He played with his toys, ran around the yard and followed me while I was cleaning up after him.
    When he finally sat down to relax, he started to lick himself, so I took him inside and put the cone back on him.
    He doesn't seem to mind it and he's back to his normal self, tail up and eyes bright.
  • Poor little guy, I am so happy to hear he is feeling better.

    Thank you so much for giving him all the good care and love that you do. He is one lucky boy.
  • I had Oskar neutered yesterday and he hasn't needed the cone or "pants" luckily. He hasn't been licking at all. He was tired yesterday and probably felt a bit sick (drooling a lot) but today is just sleeping calmly. (Probably helps that it is in the 90s today and he's hot, so he wouldn't be active anyway).
  • Big hug to Oskar for a quick recovery.
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